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  1. I

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    Nobody is too old for Tamagotchi. :huh:
  2. I


    I started getting periods when I was eleven. I have pretty big ****s for my age, I think they're C or D. (And I got them since I was eight!) Ignore that boy. He's probably superfacial. (Meaning he only judges people by their looks.)
  3. I

    More for Teen-ish girls/boys

    I used to have three guy friends but they never checked me out. *shrug* I'm not very attractive anyway. One teacher always told me that I had good "chemistry" (...ew :D ) with this one boy that had a lot in common with me, and she always told me he stared at my hair or something. And this...
  4. I

    Is debugging worth it?

    Forget debugging, I came to talk about that yummy pie. >_> Just kidding. In all honesty, debugging isn't worth it. Your best off keeping it as is.
  5. I

    Tamagotch Had Baby

    It'll (the parent) take care of the baby for two days (forty-eight hours if left unpaused). Then it should leave by midnight.
  6. I

    Family Planning

    I had one of those sex-ed classes in 6th grade...lucky for me they didn't show any videos about women giving birth, they only gave you textbooks explaining the sexual organs. Boys and girls were in the same room, and amazingly everyone didn't say anything immature about it, probably because...
  7. I

    A king, A robber and a Mizutamachi

    The King is the one I get the most. W00t!
  8. I

    Mame City and GuruGuru Town open!

    I went on tamatown with my V4...and they're open! Enjoy guys!
  9. I

    Snake in Mail

    Snakes make your Tama's happy heart dissappear. I hate the snake! >_<
  10. I

    Tamagotchi Happy Meal Story found!

    I had one of them Happy Meal toys when I was little. But it got lost. O_o
  11. I

    Tamagotchi Wikia!

    Simply awesome.
  12. I


  13. I

    best game on tama town?

    The Ring Toss in the arcade.
  14. I

    Girls- Hormones Starting?

    I have periods, smelly hair, mood swings...holy crap. DX
  15. I


    I've been having them for a year now, I just finished having mine for this month.
  16. I


    The old Furbies were cute, the new ones look like overfed chickens.
  17. I


    Did you hit the C button when you weren't doing anything? (Like your tama dances/waves to you?)
  18. I

    Tama Twins!

    Tama twins? Sweeeeet. :rolleyes:
  19. I

    V4> Fortune Cookies

    Yes, it does. I also noticed that when you have 1 moneybag, your tama trips and falls alot. O_o;