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  1. kuchipatchi love

    Story game

    to TamaTown where they then...
  2. kuchipatchi love


    She decided to call Memetchi and have a pickle-puddle competition! That meant that the could throw pickles at each other! Unfortunately, the game stopped when Makiko threw a pickle at Memetchi's eye because she...
  3. kuchipatchi love

    The life of a Makiko...

    ... to talk to him. She ran past Majorite who said "How was your day at school, honey?" "finethanks" she garbled while in a hurry to get to her room. She threw her purple bag down. Her books flung everywhere. She got on her computer and clicked straight to the internet. She waited for TamaBook...
  4. kuchipatchi love

    Tamagotchi Wars - remake

    Leader: Moriritchi Leader Name: Kuchi Gender: Female Tama Age: 15 Warrior type: Fire Warrior. Amount of Minions: 100 Gozarutchi Kingdom: PillowMallow Kingdom Weapons: Pillows and marshmallows, what else? :D "OK guys, we're under attack!" Kuchi the Moriritchi shouted from the top of...
  5. kuchipatchi love


    I just lave it alone, the A+C buttons normally don't work when an egg is hatching.
  6. kuchipatchi love

    TamaGo Wave Twos!

    In New Zealand supermarkets don't carry Tamagotchis. They don't even have toys, or at least in Auckland.
  7. kuchipatchi love

    TamaGo Wave Twos!

    The TMGO wave 2's are in New Zealand! They are in Toyworld, FOR $12.99!!! And, they come with a free Gotchi figure! (However, they don't have the second wave figures in just yet, I will be asking about that or if anyone else knows then please tell in the comments.) So I advise ALL NZ tama fans...
  8. kuchipatchi love

    Loss of interest in Tamagotchi

    ^... That would SUCK, Dazzlitchigirl. Then us Kiwis wouldn't get as much. Shipping to New Zealand is incredibly expensive... and I'm not allowed to order off eBay... Anyway...
  9. kuchipatchi love

    What did you call..?

    I had a Mimitchi and I called it Shiro :) Oh memories... :)
  10. kuchipatchi love

    what is ur first favorite or first tama character EVER!

    My Favourite? Kuchipatchi. (YAH-TCHI!) My first? Mimitchi on V4. Her name was Shiro and I was so very attatched to her :)
  11. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    OK,. sorry guys. I've been TERRIBLE at updating... v2: A Kiwitchi, Shiro, with a baby girl named Taiou. SHe's due to leave now, I'll make her leave soon. v4(I started one): A Mizutamatchi named Akemi :) She's very close to my heart for some reason :) V4.5: Boxertchi evolved into Ura...
  12. kuchipatchi love

    Hi everyone....

    Actually, you can just use the honey on one of the tamas and then you can connect twice. You will have babies if they are over 4 years.
  13. kuchipatchi love

    I'm starting a Tamagotchi email newsletter!

    I have cleared out my PM boz, I'm sorry guys for the inconvenience, please PM me again with your address!! (I also need help with graphics, so anyone who could help please post here.
  14. kuchipatchi love


    I've nyaned for 2444 seconds now! I'm not sick of it yet! I swear that I'm going to start typing like...
  15. kuchipatchi love

    Stuck in my mind: Tamagotchis are little kid toys!

    I'm pretty lucky in that even the popular kids think I'm normal, even though I openly play with and collect tamas. Most people don't turn a hair when I mention that I collect tamas. A really "popular" jerk guy asked to see it in maths, (he sits behind m) and I expected him to throw it or smash...
  16. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    Hey! My Nikatchi evolved! She's now a Kiwitchi! (LOL, a Kiwitchi for a Kiwi :) ) Yep, that's pretty much all. Apart from, my Boxertchi's due to evolve this afternoon :) He's gonna be an Ura Kuchipatchi hopefully :)
  17. kuchipatchi love


    She still hasn't evolved. I have not paused her at all,( have a policy not to pause tamas) maybe she's just trying to annoy me. Or maybe she's going to spend eternity as Nikatchi o_o I hope not... EDIT: She just evolved into a Kiwitchi now... XD Sorry guys, can someone close this topic please...
  18. kuchipatchi love


    I got an idea from them! Here's my Shimashimatchi: Isn't he cuuute?! I made him out of egg and nori, and chopped carrots for his ears. I think he tasted pretty good, too!
  19. kuchipatchi love

    The Key

    *fwumhp* That was me, throwing myself onto my bed. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed. My dad had taken away one of my tamas again. He was using them against me, just to make me do whatever he wanted. This afternoon, he tried to make me start painting the roof again, threatening to take away a tama. I...
  20. kuchipatchi love

    JD tamagotchi connection pet and laser pen?

    Silly JiDan. But. Bandai never copyrighted the characters. There are over 300 and a copyright can cost up to $1mil. Even BanDai doesn't have that much money...