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  1. kuchipatchi love

    Scumbag Bandai...

    Sooo... I was annoyed at first when I realised that Tamagotchi L.I.F.E wasn't being released outside of America. So what did I do? What any resourceful tamalover would do. I downloaded an APK file with the app in it. It runs fine on my phone. This morning I decided to look on the play store. I...
  2. kuchipatchi love

    Tamagotchi ID L in Australia

    I keep checking in Toyworld at my local mall if they have them in. I live in New Zealand so they might not get here at all. Sure is a shame that now I have a part time job and can pay for new tamas they don't get released here.
  3. kuchipatchi love

    Tamagotchi dreams?

    Well when I went through my phase of being SUPER OBSESSED with tamagotchis I had a lot of tama-related dreams. For example: The ones I can remember are, being at a festival in Tamatown and I looked down and the streets were paved with gold tamagotchis and then Kuchipatchi hugged me so hard I...
  4. kuchipatchi love

    Why does the Tama-Go have such a bad reputation?

    Yeah I enjoyed the Tama-Go too. I thought it was fun, and contrary to what Ra said, I actually really liked the figures. I liked that I actually had little figurines to sit on my shelf when I wasn't playing with them. I did, however, hate the bulk. The egg is bigger than my smartphone! I never...
  5. kuchipatchi love

    Dream Town Discussion Thread

    I'd really like for it to have a real chatting system like Club Penguin or something, not the silly phrases we got on Music City.
  6. kuchipatchi love

    V3 Jealousy?!

    I highly doubt this would happen, to be honest... I think it's just a case of giving a present that turned out to be a poop, or a snake, rather than the actual gift, and your friend's tama dying of neglect. But hey, this could happen...
  7. kuchipatchi love

    Tama-fy your Android phone!

    Well hello there friends. I have recently gotten back into tamagotchis and would like to see a thread about this. I know several ways (may work for iPhone as well, but I don't know, I don't have the iPhone.) Well for starters, you can download the Tamagotchi L.I.F.E app from the Google Play...
  8. kuchipatchi love

    Tamagotchi- In lieu of friends?

    Well, I find myself ending high school and going into university within about 3 months. I'm kinda nervous, kinda excited, but for the most part, kinda lonely. I don't want this to be a depressing post about my life, but I wondered if other people do this too. See, I have a boyfriend. He's...
  9. kuchipatchi love

    Sneaking tamagotchi into school

    Oh god, embarrassing tama stories. I was in year 10 (9th grade) and I had my V4.5. I loved that one. I had raised it to 10th gen. I took it out before Japanese once to check the time and my hawk-eyed teacher spotted it. I got it taken off me and I was so upset I cried for the rest of the lesson...
  10. kuchipatchi love

    Ermahgerd I'm back!

    Hey guys! Long time no see. :D I left TamaTalk for about a year. I had other things to deal with, like my family splitting up and becoming a better person. I have a whole lot of new friends (and an amazing boyfriend :wub: , 8 months now :o ) . So back to Tamagotchis it is! I am currently...
  11. kuchipatchi love

    Tamagotchi Blood

    Love the story. Love love love it. It's brilliant and entertaining and I would deffo read a book like that :D
  12. kuchipatchi love

    What are you listening to now?

    Do Da Oliphant- Skrillex What's funny is that it has bits of Tamagotchi music in it... It says "Ikuyo!" which is in Happy Happy Harmony and also it says "Patchi patchi!"
  13. kuchipatchi love

    JAL Help

    Either you need to replace the batteries or the pixel connection is very weak and needs to be cleaned.
  14. kuchipatchi love

    My tamogatchi was playing a flute?

    It might be helpful is you told us what version this was on. If it's on Music Star (V6) then it's normal. If it's on any other version, it's probably just a cute little animation.
  15. kuchipatchi love

    Most generations you've gotten?

    I got up to 29G on my Familitchi. Then it reset itself and I sent a very very angry letter to Bandai XD
  16. kuchipatchi love

    Connection problem...

    This happens because your V5 doesn't have enough battery to connect. Change the battery for a new one and it should work fine. Kuchi :wub:
  17. kuchipatchi love

    can music star oldie mate using matchmaker?

    please answer my topic. Please answer quickly. can my dangoobatchi use the matchmaker?
  18. kuchipatchi love

    Tamagotchi packaging

    I don't particularly hate any Connexion packing because I'm not very accident prone. I like how the Music Star package is shaped like a little guitar and the Familitchi packaging is shaped like a lil' house! I'm not really partial to the V3 box though. It's too orange XD I like the "boxyness"...
  19. kuchipatchi love


    Hey bestie. The faceplate on the Wave Two doesn't scratch very easily at all. Beside, since it doesn't cover the screen at all, it shouldn't be a worry. The new version is exactly the same. All that's changed is the design. I personally love the new ones... Since I bought you a new figure, it...
  20. kuchipatchi love


    I have to pay $13 for a single Gotchi figure -_- New Zealand SUCKS in the prices... why can they have downloads. I am also very compulsive so now I have collected them...