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  1. Melonitchi

    Change what the previous person said (remake)

    Pogs kept playing my parents. Comic Sans wrote Pogs aren't great
  2. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  3. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  4. Melonitchi

    The 1 word story.

  5. Melonitchi

    Last Post Wins

    glad we all had this discussion
  6. Melonitchi

    What are you listening to now?

  7. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  8. Melonitchi

    Last Post Wins

  9. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  10. Melonitchi

    Who do you have a crush on?

    I like a guy who likes me too but he's joining the army in November and doesn't want to leave someone like that so he's refusing to let us date but we keep talking :c
  11. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  12. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  13. Melonitchi

    What is the worst TV Show / Movie you have ever watched?

    Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. It's not actually that bad. I only think it's terrible because my friend hyped it up as an amazing film with a great plot and absolutely action packed. We had a sleepover to watch it and I swear I've never been so disappointed by a film. I guess TV show would...
  14. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  15. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

    191 when will this end ;-;
  16. Melonitchi

    Juggling Tamas with Work/School

    When I was in high school and college I had them on silent and on a lanyard round my neck or just in my pocket. I'd have 2-5 connections running at a time so it was pretty obvious I had them. I think personally I'm very lucky that although I wasn't ever popular at school, I was well known and...
  17. Melonitchi

    Do you still play with B&W Tamagotchis?

    I have 4 colour tamas (and a tamagezi) but I don't run any of them, I have them purely for collection purposes. I think the nostalgia of the B&W ones is what makes me like them more, plus I don't feel like I have to collect loads of stuff and do things a certain way to "complete" them. IMO...
  18. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  19. Melonitchi


    Bangtan Boys are probably my favourite i dont listen to kpop that much tho compared to others I also like Nu'est
  20. Melonitchi

    The 1 word story.
