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    Rate the TV show above you!

    n/a friends I know it's like a really old show (well not that old in the 1990s which is old for me ) but I love it p.s I'm 10
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    What A Coincidence!

    Yrah this guy in my school has the same birthday as me and we are the weirdest people in the year group. My friends says we are a perfect match . I am older though by 14 hrs
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    Age range

    I AM TEN p.s The margority of people are 10-14
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    Most weirdest things you put in your mouth?

    Techneclly I don't this in my mouth but I like biting my friends jumpers/shirts or my own
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    What's a random fact about you?

    My fav words is marmalade and chicken noodles
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    Things you do without noticing?

    I chew my tounge and if I'm not doing that I'll be biting skin off my fingers I also talk to myself and start laughing uncontrolby
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    tama dreams

    I only ver had one dream about my tama but nothing happen to my tama but something happen to me... (I was 6 then) THE DREAM: My dad owns a restatraunt (he actully does) well I needed to pee so I left my tama on the table but I herad a crash so I came running back well my mum had smashed my...
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    If you could only have one Tamagotchi ...

    I chose music star 'cause it's like every tama join together with some new stuff it's got no antenna like v1 & v2 it's got jobs like v4 and mail like v4 it shows 3 charecters( only when you get married ) like V5 and a whole load off new stuff
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    I can’t get a boy, on my Tamagotchi V6!?

    Okay that doesn't work cause i married a mametchi and got a girl and to the person who started this I also have the same prob but it IS random so WAIT
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    Not all tamas wake up at 11 am I woke up at 7 am and my tama was awake (I have a music star)
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    Tamagotchi School tips

    Well ok if you read this you guys will proberly say if your school lets you take them to school why are you reading this well don't cause I wil tell you somthing in my school we have big desk you know the one that open up well if school has desk like that just leave your tama ( with sound off)...
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    Tamagotchi v6 Tips

    I agree because my one was a Ichigotchi and got a mimitchi
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Well yesterday Choco married a :lol: ( He will speak in green) and had another baby girl and since bian*bananas gave me 2 names I will call the baby yoko (she will speak in normal pink) STATS 6yr 77lb Hungry 0000 Happy 0000 stress 00 tone 910 rhythm 918 original 928 hip hop 2 gen...
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Well choco turned in to a onpu tchi and tahts bye
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    So my holi was great well my tama became a um the same thing as last time and got a weird block thing that says bandai on it. Um then she turn in to a ichigo-tchi and got some turn tables. Her bands called mint and in the band is chanme-tchi (girl vr of young vr if mametchi) called jenny and a...
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Oh shes awake um say hi to choco thn we're off to music city GOO ga huh Muzik pity
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Well I'm still here but I'm going to go after breakfast I know late breakfast weird. So po and tom finally left but we still have choco (bian*bananas pm me she/he was the only person to pm me but all well she/he gave me the name choco heres a shout out thanks bian*bananas) Well there is...
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    parents not gone

    thanks but they left today sorry for just filling space