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  1. ~Monchi~


    Seniors I believe are at age 9-13??? But don't get married and have kids. My Best friend's friend had a senior. I think they die 13-14 years? Not sure. Good luck!
  2. ~Monchi~

    *sniffle* My Tamas...

    Tamagotchi's Name: Er...It was a while back Tamagotchi's Age: I think 7 or 8 Date of Birth: ??? Date of Passing: ??? What Generation? I think 2 Your Comments: He was in a log I had. So sweet, yet so funny. Goodbye. He had 1 child named Ace, who was sent into the reset world Tamagotchi's...
  3. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    I want him to be at least 24 lbs. Right now he is 26. ;) But he's getting there. I believe he is a Tamatchi? He is a blob with little arms and legs. I wonder if that's a sign of growing up well....? I haven't played with a Tam in so long! Muffn: *giggle* Hey, buster! It's not funny! Anyway...
  4. ~Monchi~


    Ahaha, I guess you're right. But, it's not just caring for babies. It's to help them learn, grow, and other stuff. People say, "Tamagotchi's aren't real animals." and they are right. But it gives you a chance to care for something, even if its not real. That's all I have to say.
  5. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Oh, and I might get some pictures of him soon! Ooh, didn't notice he got mail. It's...POOP?! Again? He is 28 lbs but I will play so he loses some.
  6. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Yay! He got accepted into PreSchool! He got other mail too. But another good thing is he went on the potty! This time he didn't go on the screen! Good job Muffn! Muffn: Yay! He is doing average in school, though. Keep trying!
  7. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    I got my first mail! It was poop. Poor muffn. Muffn: No! Dats when only I go on potty. Me: Aha, yes sweetie. I feed him when he's hungry and stuff. He needs some snacks or something. Going to play tug-of-war. bye
  8. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    He changed into a Bloblike tam
  9. ~Monchi~

    My Tamagotchi Color's time is frozen!

    Aww, sorry to hear. Where did you get it? I don't have a Color, but did you go straight to Japan? Do you live there? Or did you get it off Ebay?
  10. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Yeah, nothing really happened. I played Climb AGAIN! Maybe I'll go pick up some new batteries. 1 as a back up for the v4.5 and one for my v4. Yup.
  11. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    He pooped and cried. I assume he will change very soon.
  12. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Alright he woke up and I fed him. He will change soon. Muffn: Me be toddwer? Me: Why yes. Sweetie. Aha...yeah. Muffn: Ooooohhhhhh..... He weighs 25lbs and I'm trying to keep him below 30lbs until he's a child. WAIT, what the heck? The stuff from Tama Town isn't in items OR souveniers! Uh...
  13. ~Monchi~

    My Music Star's buttons are stuck! EMERGENCY!

    Try resetting it. Were you pushing buttons too hard?
  14. ~Monchi~


    I don't like hacking so I'll never do it.
  15. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    oooh! Yay! He's taking his nap so that mean's he'll change soon!
  16. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Okay. So we played Climb and got 30 jumps and 400p. Its just food and a wig in the Shop, nothing interesting. He went the the bathroom. OH MAN! He's sick!!! I gotta heal him. He needed 2 doses. :D But he's not hungry. I might take him on Tama Town. Anyways, Muffn is um....learning to talk...
  17. ~Monchi~

    How do i get a mametchi on a tamagotch ms

    Personally, I used to get them all the time on mah v3s. But I dunno how to get them really. Good luck tho.
  18. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Aug. 7, 2009 Hi, you may remember me from a while back, with Ace and that whole Family....Well I reset my v4.5 so it just hatched. I turned the sound off so I don't know what it is but it's name is Muffn. Yes Muffn. Oh its a boy...Aha...I fed it. I'm suprised I remembered how to use these. If...
  19. ~Monchi~

    Coming Back!

    Yes, that's right. Monchi is back. I would like to be treated as a pretty new member since I forgetted wher everyone was. :D YAY!
  20. ~Monchi~

    Could it be!?!?

    I don't really think it would be coming to the USA, but I am keeping my hopes up even though I don't play Tam much anymore.