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  1. haleyhashats

    я υ и → OOC

    rainbows - accepted! (: sakuran - accepted! (: very nice form~ jared - ohmygoddoihaveto? accepted bro. you better be sorry for your fail form. just kidding, it's good! (: ;)
  2. haleyhashats

    я υ и →

    {{ Sakuranboy, hi! (: Wonderful post. Could you post your application here? Thanks! (: Doesn't have to be long, unless you want it to, but from your post I can tell you'll come up with something good. (: }} {{ Also, my posts won't usually be this long, I just apparently had a flash of...
  3. haleyhashats

    я υ и → OOC

    Swan, accepted!(: Em, accepted as well ~ oh you devilish you. xD olol Name: Jai Matthew Hart Age: Twenty three Gender: Male Inventory: He has a small brown backpack, in it is a bottle of water (half filled), a small benchmade pocket knife, a .9 caliber gun, a pack of bullets, one change of...
  4. haleyhashats

    я υ и → OOC

    c; accepted broski. @Em, sounds good! (: I need to make a guy. I'm trying to come up with something, lol lame right now. ._. Let's wait for a few more people, maybe two or one or whatever. idk. then we'll start :3 That should give me enough time to come up with some male character that is...
  5. haleyhashats

    я υ и →

    May 16th, 2013 - Channel 10 News "Jacob Richard here with the Channel ten news! The planes have arrived! Looks like the US is saving more animals than ever, let's applaud the efforts! ..."   May 18th, 2013 - Channel 10 News "Jacob Richard here with the Channel ten news! The animals are...
  6. haleyhashats

    я υ и → OOC

    я υ и → OOC Application and Ideas can be written here. Application: Name: Age: Gender: Inventory: [ what is your character carrying ] Location: [ not a city, etc. more like in a house, wandering, store, underground, etc ] Skills: [ lock picking, martial arts, bird calls, etc ]...
  7. haleyhashats

    Braces and Retainersss. :P

    I got an expander in around April of last year, top braces in June last year. Bottom braces in August last year, got my expander off in February (OHMYGODIHATEDTHATTHING) and now I just have braces. They should be coming off though at the end of my ninth grade year. :3
  8. haleyhashats

    olololol zombies bro.

    okay. i'm researching. loljkroflmao. i'm eating ice cream. this has nothing to do with zombies. or roleplaying. stop distracting me. :|
  9. haleyhashats

    olololol zombies bro.

    sdgasdf yey. I have to do minor research though, just to get some names and such to make the plot more.... good... plot. like. idk. ._. off to search. C:
  10. haleyhashats

    olololol zombies bro.

    Alright, so who doesn't like zombies? C: Anyways, I think it would be fun to have a literate zombie apoc. rp. y/y? cool. The plot would be something along the lines of dying animal species being brought over from third world countries in an attempt to save them. However, a few of the animals...
  11. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games Role Play Form and OOC Discussion

    Ah alright, makes sense. Thank you for clarifying! (:
  12. haleyhashats


    Brownies, pie, ice cream, frozen yogurt, cookies. All that fun, yummy stuff. Haha ^_^
  13. haleyhashats

    Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...

    I have trypophobia. Look it up, writing about it makes me want to throw up. :c I also probably have minor OCD. I hate it when the volume number on the television or the radio or my computer doesn't end in either 5 or 0. Haha (:
  14. haleyhashats


    So, I looked through some of the pages here and I didn't find a Phobias topic. I'm pretty sure there is one though, because I remember something like it, I just couldn't find it. However, for now, we can use this one! Haha. A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of something. Personally, I...
  15. haleyhashats

    Howe muche do thou weigh?

    I'm thirteen and I'm pretty sure I weigh between 60 and 70 pounds. I'm quite tiny. Haha (:
  16. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games

    {{ Same for Gaij, or at least six / seven. Being a Career, himself. The parade? My characters are already waiting in their carriages, but I won't post again until the actual parade begins. Then I'll be all on time. Haha (: }}
  17. haleyhashats

    Typing Speed

    65 wpm. (:
  18. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games Role Play Form and OOC Discussion

    Alright, did that and posted up my first post. sdjkg. solong. ._. EDIT So, since the arena is like a city, and has non-tribute people roaming about, does that mean the tributes are able to interact with these non tributes? Like are they able to ally with them, will the city goers help the...
  19. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games

    {{ I don't mind who wins. (: Obviously Gaij shouldn't, because that would be dull. Haha, he'll just stick around to help kill. xD }}
  20. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games

    {{ OHGOD. ISHOULDNEVERJOINLATEAGAIN. this is so ridiculously long and it's only Cinder's post too. I needed to fit everything. omggg. Let's pretend I did Gaij's post already and now he's all caught up too, oh joy. I'm so sorry guys! I promise my normal posts will be no where this length. Think...