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  1. N

    rapid growth

    ya its weird, but i think its kinda cool
  2. N

    help my tama has a problem

    it helps if ur tama weghs more
  3. N

    rapid growth

    my tamagotchi hacthed from the egg, and then i paused it from 9 to 1 and then it said it was one year old! is that supposed to happen? :gozarutchi:
  4. N


    Hi welcome to tamatalk!
  5. N


    Buy it! its expensive, kinda cool, but i dont really think its worth it. it makes the tama beep a lot
  6. N

    did any one see this topic?

    that...happened to me. i got a fish
  7. N

    You will not believe what happened!

    thats...weird...the boy gets the baby....but the girl doesnt.... AHHHH!!!!!
  8. N


    heading because i always lose
  9. N

    Hate Mimitchi

    they should put more detail of the characters
  10. N

    version three

    someones selling it on ebay
  11. N

    What do I have?

    ya its most likely a kiwitchi. i just got it 2day. it...does seem better at the slots
  12. N

    Is this bad?

    no thats a good thing. wear the *RARE* cosetume and then ur tama will b InViNvIBlE!!!
  13. N

    version three

    i think they made a red-pixel one, but im not sure. i also think theres one with a house, or...somthing...
  14. N

    Golden Tamagotchi

    Thats awesome! i love ebay!
  15. N

    Traveling by U.F.O

    :furawatchi: i went to like a farm place! there were cows and sheep! :o
  16. N

    Cute Tamagotchi Couple

    kusatchi and nyorotchi
  17. N


    hi! welcome!
  18. N


    hi welcome! :furawatchi:
  19. N

    Hello! I'm new.

    hi! im nachocheese! i bet im cheeser than u lol! by the way, i love ur avatar. maybe we can b friends!
  20. N

    Should we change the User Rank system?

    thats a real good idea with the angel and 2nd generation! :)