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  1. R


    Geez. I'd be all paranoid if something like that happened close to me.
  2. R

    Whats your favorite way to drink Coka Cola?

    I like just plain coke in a bottle or cup.
  3. R

    How are you feeling?

    I am impatient, as my mom is deciding weather my friend an sleep over or not.
  4. R

    If you were stuck on an island..

    ^ I LOVE YOU! Bear Grylls will need to come along. : D I love that show.
  5. R

    Twlight VS Harry Potter

    Harry Potter owns Twilight. Amen.
  6. R


    I am the FIRST Cancer. July 3rd. :]
  7. R

    If you were stuck on an island..

    - A survival expert - lifetime supply of Food&Supplements - portable plane..? XD AHA! I Love your picture Missbehave.
  8. R

    Rate the Song above!

    5/10 I Don't Care- FOB
  9. R

    How famous are you on forums?

  10. R


    The Listerine gets rid of bacteria in the cut gums. And it numbs. It works good.
  11. R

    Whats your favorite videogame?

    AC:WW All the way.
  12. R

    Do you wear makeup?

    I go 'Au Natural'
  13. R


    I got My 12 Year molars (Yes! The correct spelling!) when I was 12. (Shocker!) I took some Ibuprofen (Advil) and rinsed with minty Listering mouthwash. It helps a ton.
  14. R

    D: Dry skin!

    I have this BIG honkin' tub of moisturizer for winter, prescribed by a doctor, and I dont know what it is called, because I peeled the label off. Xp Use a moisturizer with Vitamin E in it. It will keep your face as hydrated as the Mississippi River : D Lol.
  15. R

    What Happens When You Get Bored?

    When I am bored, I play stuffed animals. Or I take a shower. XD
  16. R

    What's your favorite gum?

    I chew 1 piece of gum for like, 6 hours straight, so Stride works good, but after about an hour, it turns to wet silly putty like texture.
  17. R

    Favourite Foods

    NomNomNom! I love Pineapple &amp; Manderin Oranges like no tomorrow. :]
  18. R

    Favourite Foods

    I hate Veggies -dies- I you havt noticed, 4/5 of my favourite foods involve meat. Lol.
  19. R

    What's your favorite gum?

    I love Extra Pomagranite Berry. Its so juicy, and the flavour lasts awhile.
  20. R


    Fall Out Boy just keeps improving, every album they release.