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  1. R

    Do you mix and match?

    I just wear what looks okay together. I don't have matching outfits. O.O;
  2. R

    Are you clumsy?

    I am the most clumsy person I know. I fall daily.
  3. R

    What does Christmas mean to you?

    To me, Christmas means celebrating the time we spend with annoying relatives, and the birth of Jesus Christ.
  4. R

    What gifts do you want to get for the holidays?

    I really, really, really, want a Wii.
  5. R

    Are talk shows allowed?

    Lolwhut? I don't understand.
  6. R

    Lip Balm Junkies

    In the winter, I put it on almost every 10 minutes. My dad dosen't understand it. XD
  7. R

    Do you think you got what you want

    I think I got the Wii I have been wanting. *crossfingers*
  8. R

    What state are you from?

    It's just what we are used to. I went to Jamaica and was boiling to death. I'm sure if Jamaicans came here, they would be freezing. =Þ
  9. R

    What are some of your fave sayings?

    Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. XD
  10. R

    Do you believe in Santa?

    I still get prezzies because I have an 8 year old sister, and I think my mom wants to avoid all questioning. =Þ
  11. R


    I got one today from the dryness. Once I got one, and it was literally dripping from my nose. I went out of the room and went to my room for more kleenex, and my mom walked in the bathroom. She was like: "WTF?!" when she saw the bloody sink. O.O
  12. R

    Wow...That's bad...

    This kid at my school died at school from heart failure when he was 9. That was really sad news to hear.
  13. R

    some "science" assembly

    That would be SO hilarious. XD
  14. R

    Do you believe in Santa?

    When I was 10 I had a theroy. My guess was that Santa only comes to children 8 and younger, and parents put out presents, so older children aren't dissapointed. Hey, It's believeable, right..? Although I don't anymore.
  15. R

    JB vs. Miley Cyrus

    I'm isck and tired of both equally.
  16. R

    Ask a Stupid Question and.............

    Because Chuck Norris touched it with his juice covered hands. Why is Chuck Norris 62?
  17. R

    What phone company are you?

    Virgin Mobile.
  18. R


    It's awesome for snowboarding and such, but it's exhausting to walk through. XD
  19. R


    I have a pic of my friend's backyard. : D 3 Feet of snow. > ;)
  20. R

    Worst Gift Ever.

    Once, I got this shampoo set from my Gran, and it smelled like 'Bubble Gum'. I smelled it and almost vomited. It smelled like half digested bubble gum. D: