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  1. N

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3 Allready recieved the items from my trade with carol_tama! Very happy with them.
  2. N

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3

    Yeah, it's the H&amp;M version, though I would have gotten the white one too.
  3. N

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3 I got this in today. Payed 6 dollar, incl shipping. So far it seems a nice deal.
  4. N

    How often do your packages get lost?

    Last year, 168 orders, 4 did not arrive. I had to wait up to 11 weeks for some though. In china they usually stuff a sea container, and when it's full, they ship the container. If you're the first package in, it can take some time before it gets to you.
  5. N

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf Friend Codes & Town Visits

    My fc is 4012 - 4118 - 6826 Please pm me yours if you add me, I'll add you too.
  6. N

    My First Tamagotchi!

    You could try tbay, ebay, or local websites that offer secondhand stuff.
  7. N

    Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...

    It does sound like depressed/manic episodes, to be honest.
  8. N

    original price

    In the Netherlands we first got all kinds of clones. The real tamagotchi came a few months later, and had a pricetag of 30 euro, that's 41 dollar.
  9. N

    Found a couple Pixel Chix toys at Value Village

    I allready inquired about them, the seller says they're Dutch speaking.
  10. N

    Found a couple Pixel Chix toys at Value Village

    What is cheap, odds? In Holland we have a sellerswebsite were they frequently show up, if you give me an estimated price I can keep an eye out for you. The best deal right now is a lot with a house, car, shop, and hairdresser, for about 15 us dollar. I'm not sure if the girl speaks english...
  11. N

    Vintage handheld games

    I used to love them. Could I interest you in something else from my topic, to add to our trade?
  12. N

    Uh,is this fake

    Do you have a picture?
  13. N

    Tamagotchi Friends

    How young is Kaya? Seems like you don't know how the real world works. Please don't bash on people like that.
  14. N

    Which (smart)phone is your primary phone?

    I have a galaxy note II, and a crapload of cellphones that are oooooold.
  15. N

    Red room on p's?

    You have to clean the room.
  16. N

    Angel Back Won't Open

    I had to drill out the screws on my angel.
  17. N

    Two odd vpets

    Yeah I like those too, same with the dinkiestyle.
  18. N

    Two odd vpets

    The heart thing looks like a digital picture keychain I got my husband once, but I recall the screen being bigger, so I'm not sure. The dino i've seen before, but I'm not sure where. I think it runs a MGA chip.
  19. N

    V5 keeps reseting...? EMERGENCY!

    Could it be that the little rubber reset button was stuck under the shell? I tend to get that sometimes, and if you don't notice it, it could become frustrating.
  20. N

    What did you get for Christmas?

    I got a ceramic baking pan, and a vtech kidipet touch. A very cute odd pet, loving it.