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  1. A

    Would you ever do this?

    I might debug to check out secret characters, but chances are, I probably wouldn't, because A) I want to go through as many generations as I can before trying different things, :ph34r: I don't even know where I can find a small screwdriver in this house. >_> And C) I don't want to risk...
  2. A


    Mametchis are adorable! They're my second favorite Tama, next to Ichigotchis. I noticed they look a bit like hamsters when they jump. Everytime my Mametchi goes up for its close-up thing, I can't help but comment on its cuteness. "It's being cute agaaaaain!" :ph34r:
  3. A

    has your tamagotchi ever had...

    Yes. I've had a problem that almost cost me my Tama...though I'm not willing to talk about it now since it's a bit embarrassing. :ph34r: The only other problems I have is that my Tama likes to randomly unpause itself while it's in my pocket, most likely because I accidently press buttons...
  4. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Friday, 6/10 I'm such an overreacting- Turns out the Tama wasn't completely ruined. And you had to press a certain button to get to the download thing, which I obviously couldn't do at that time. >_> You may now hit me with bricks. *bricked* Yes, I already sent a request for my...
  5. A

    Oh great...

    ...Well. My Tamagotchi did something kinda weird. It was stuck on the "Sound? On/Off" screen for quite a while. Then it suddenly made a noise and switched to the egg. I pressed A, and it went back to the sound screen for a brief moment before automatically going back to the egg. I couldn't stand...
  6. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Wednesday, 6/8 When Tsu woke up during Choir, I looked away for a moment. Upon looking back, I saw a new face staring at me. A Mametchi. My hard work had paid off. Basically, I cooed over her cute little random animations the rest of the day, especially when she ran up to the screen for...
  7. A


    And I believe their weight must be low, too. I never let my Ichigotchi go above 22 pounds (or was it 12...? I'm not sure, but I think it was 22), and she became a Mametchi.
  8. A

    Oh great...

    Well...this is what happened to the buttons: I kinda chewed on them a bit. >_> Bad habit that started a long time ago and stuck with me. I need to start chewing gum and not everything else I get my hands on. The buttons seem dry now, though, and they're still in one piece...I think. The A...
  9. A

    Oh great...

    I'm pretty sure it was my fault, since I was playing with the buttons quite a bit. Anyway, I noticed my Tama left me a little 'present' *coughpoo*, so I went to clean it up... Nothing happened. I pressed the buttons, and they didn't work. Panicking because I couldn't bear the though of my Tama...
  10. A

    Life Span Of A Tamagotchi

    If you reject the partners the Matchmaker offers you, and never breed, and take good care of your Tama, it can live to 99, as stated. If you're wondering about the originals, though, I don't know their lifespans. All I know is that Nyorotchis have short lives and are lucky to be past 11.
  11. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Tuesday, 6/7 Tsu has eight training points now! I think she'll become an adult soon, probably a Mametchi. Otherwise, not much is going on. Wow, it seems just like yesterday that I was trying to take care of a sobbing Babytchi...
  12. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Monday, 6/6 I realize I've screwed up on the dates in my logs on the first post. So I'll go edit. (EDIT: Okay. So I can't edit. Dang.) Anyway, I got a lousy start today. My mom didn't wake me up until 6:36, so I missed the bus and my dad had to take me to school. Even then, I was late by about...
  13. A

    Training bars

    My Tama's slowly making up for lost time as a child (I paused her a lot, so she really only aged a lot when she was sleeping). She currently has six- wait, scratch that, she just needed some praising- seven training point. ;) I think I can get her to nine somewhere during her adulthood, maybe...
  14. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Sunday, 6/5 Tsu's been asleep for almost an hour now. Nothing too interesting happened, though now she was 4 training points. I caught her bathing again, and watched for a while before going back to whatever I was doing at that time on the Internet. And she loves dancing. Really. School starts...
  15. A

    How often do you check on your tama?

    I check on my Tama quite a lot, unless she's sleeping or I've put her on pause.
  16. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    I'll try to update this as much as I can. Let's start at the beginning: Sunday, 5/29 I got my Tamagotchi, a clear, glitter-studded reddish-pink Tamagotchi Connection (Audience: Duh! *point at sig, then throw stuff at me*). I spent the entire trip home trying to open the package with my teeth...
  17. A

    my tama is a duck head with snake body

    Do you have the originals? If so, then it's Nyorotchi. Ahh, a true confirmation of a bad owner (or someone who really likes snake/duck hybrids...your pick)...My friend said she was cruel to her tamagotchis and got a Nyorotchi all the time. I don't have the originals, but I kinda like the little...
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    How can i get a Ichigotchi or a Mimitchi?

    I think what it is is that you must take really good care of your Tama. Also, I think generation plays a role in what Tama you get. I THINK odd generations can get Ichigotchi, while even generations can get Mimitchi (I believe their equivalents are Young Mimitchi and Mametchi, respectiviely). Of...
  19. A

    Question on sleeping and aging...

    That does help a bit. The only thing I'm worried about is what might happen if it's supposed to become a teen and is sleeping. Chances are, she'll stay asleep until her regular time to be awake, then grow up. But if she does wake up to evolve, will the lights turn off automatically so she can...
  20. A

    Question on sleeping and aging...

    Hi. I'm obviously very new at Tamagotchi, and I'm getting a bit peeved at my Tamagotchi, who isn't even a year old yet. I want her to reach the adolescent stage. Now. But I can wait a bit longer before I start throwing it against a wall. So I want to ask a few things... 1) Will she age while...