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  1. D

    GRowth CHart

    v5.5/v5 Celebrity/Famitama Royal: Regular v5/Famitama:
  2. D

    Not aging

    On the v5 and v5.5, it takes 48 hours. Have you paused it (travel channel)? Instead of pausing it, try changing the time to when your Tamagotchi is sleeping. When on pause, Tamagotchi don't age. When they're sleeping they do.
  3. D

    am i doing something wrong?

    If it's a v4.5, try raising different skill points by playing Shapes or Manhole or by picking a different teacher. (If you don't know how- when you get your [ ! ] mail saying that you're allowed to go to school, you'll go to school and Mr. Turtlepedia will appear. Use the A or C buttons to...
  4. D

    Life Points

    I think probably intelligence. For me, definitely not humour or style :huh:
  5. D

    Music Star

    I think Shiba means that if you do well in the games, you will get extra rhythm/tone/originality points, which help your Tamagotchi get a good career later on and when it's got a good career it can earn loads of Gotchi Points from concerts! (That's what I've heard anyway.)
  6. D

    v5, mood decreases realll slow

    I'm pretty sure the v5/v5.5 drop hunger/happiness hearts every hour and poop every two hours, regardless of what stage it's in. I really do feel like this Tamagotchi needs to be run alongside another Tamagotchi.
  7. D

    Debug help

    Apparently on v4 and v4.5 you can't toggle hyperspeed on/off. Which is why some people recommended that you don't debug your v4 or v4.5.
  8. D

    v4 codes?

    To get the Royal Costume, you need to donate lots of Gotchi Points to the Gotchi King to get three different souvenirs. Once you have all three, you will also get a Royal Costume which will go in your items list and gives you a password for the Nintendo DS game Tamagotchi Connexion: Corner Shop...
  9. D

    Im saving up for a Tama.

    It depends on what kind of Tamagotchi you like and how much time you have on your hands. I don't have a Music Star, but from what I've heard it's quite a good one. I think you should read a few Music Star logs to find out more about it and if it sounds good to you, then get that one when it...
  10. D

    I'm not a new owner, I just am curious...

    I remember hearing somewhere that Music Stars and v5s could connect though Music Stars don't win any money from the games. However, I could be totally wrong, don't quote me on this.
  11. D

    Music Star

    Apparently you get some Gotchi Points every day. I've also heard that when your Tamagotchi is an adult, it can earn some Gotchi Points working part time and a LOT of Gotchi Points by performing!
  12. D

    Do You Actually Like V5?

    In my opinion, the v5 is probably the best if you don't have that much time on your hands. After all you don't even need to play the games to keep them happy and healthy because snacks don't add on any weight or you can just use items! Though if you DO have time on your hands the v5 can get...
  13. D

    Music Star- Timpani?

    I believe that when Music City is open you'll be able to buy more instruments.
  14. D

    I'm not a new owner, I just don't know...

    Oldies can marry other oldies. The result will be Oyajitchi, which is a special character because, though it may start as a baby, it evolves straight into Oyajitchi after the baby stage.
  15. D

    Music City?

    Right now it says that Music City is just about ready and they're experiencing some technical difficulties at the moment.
  16. D

    Funny Games

    Apples. I'm not even joking. On the Uratama, though, it's the whack-a-mole type game.
  17. D

    OK, Spill The Beans

    I have some random questions about the Music Star myself, can I ask them here? 1. Can you play games when your Tamagotchi is at its base weight? 2. When you put it up to your ear, does it have a "heartbeat"? I find that those without a heartbeat have a longer battery life, which is why I asked...
  18. D

    Music Star

    I don't have a Music Star yet, but maybe different characters have different toy likes/dislikes, like how on the v2-v4.5 every character had their individual food likes/dislikes. Or maybe it's bored of playing with the same toy again?
  19. D

    Tamagotchi Music Star

    Someone on Tama-Zone sent an e-mail to Bandai asking whether the Music Star was the v6 and they said no, the Music Star is a standalone version.
  20. D

    Non-Pausible Tamagotchi V5

    Another way you can do it is change the time so that your Tamagotchi is asleep. This way your Tamagotchi will still be able to age and its growth won't be affected, but it only works for up to 10 hours and you need to remember to change the time back to normal afterwards!