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  1. D

    V5 matchmaker - partners are not cute

    You can visit the Matchmaker up to 3 times per day. If you don't like any of the partners offered, just change the time to when your Tamagotchi's asleep, then change the time again to when your Tamagotchi's awake and you should be able to visit the Matchmaker again! This is how I got pure...
  2. D


    v5.5 and v5 Celebrity are the same version. The Royal Famitama is the Japanese version which is very similar, but with a few differences other than language- for example, the Royal Famitama has less games and you must pay Gotchi Points to use the travel channel. Inceasing bonding on the v5 and...
  3. D

    Type of Family

    Generally you can change the characters by using certain training items, as ilovekuchipa555 said. But this shouldn't change the family type. To change the family type, you have to mate certain adults to get the Royal Family on the v5.5. I think one possible combination is your Prince Tamahiko +...
  4. D

    when dose the matchmaker stop offering ?

    Unfortunately, the matchmaker stops coming once your Tamagotchi becomes an oldie. Once my friend got a glitch, though, and the Matchmaker came to his Tamagotchi when it was 21!
  5. D

    Can a music star

    AsianAmeri- I have a v1 too and it's not that ancient... some people have the "vintage" Tamagotchi (like the Gen 1 and Gen 2) which came out in like 1996/97. I love my v1, I think it's the best version out of my v1, v3, v4 and v5! Back on topic: I don't have a Music Star, but if the Music Star...
  6. D

    v5-only 2 kids?

    haleykimb- Apparently when your Tamagotchi grows up, it can earn Gotchi Points by performing in concerts and working part-time. Back on topic: It's random whether you have 1, 2 or 3 kids. Apparently there's a 70% chance that you'll get 3 kids, a 20% chance that you'll get 2 and a 10% chance...
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    sond of tmgc+color

    I don't have a TMGC+C, so my answers are based on what I've heard. 1. No, there is no pause feature like the v2-v4.5's. Instead, you have to do what I call "clock-stop pause." Press the B button until you get to the clock screen, then press A and C simultaneously. The clock will be on clock set...
  8. D


    On the v4.5, Mametchi is the best male Universal character. I don't have a v4.5, but I have gotten the best female Universal character on my v4 (Pyonkotchi). Perhaps if you follow the same procedure when you get a male on your v4.5, you may get Mametchi. What I did was I cared for my...
  9. D

    TMGC this makes no sense!

    I don't have a TMGC+C but maybe your Tamagotchi needs to be in a certain stage for some things to work?
  10. D

    Bandai, just WHAT were you thinking?!

    I personally think that the v4 and the v4.5 had too much stuff on them. I wasn't really prepared to spend so much time raising skill points and playing the games that annoyed me so much that I timed them so I could complain about their length. (The worst two were Dance, being 2min 30sec long and...
  11. D

    How did i get Kuchipatchi?!

    I just say Yangu Kuchipatchi because that's how it's written on the character charts on the Japanese Tamagotchi website :chohimetchi: Probably just the way that you'd write "Young" using the Japanese alphabet. I dunno. I'm no expert in Japanese. I haven't even learned Japanese at all for that...
  12. D

    V5.5: How to get the Kuchi, Mame, Meme family?

    What GrapeOmapeO said is actually for the regular v5. On the v5.5, there are four different ways to get the Royal Family. On Tama-zone I found two ways: mate Prince Tamahiko with Rosutchi or mate Princess Tamako with Tamasutatchi.
  13. D

    v5 Questions

    The Famitama Royal, the v5 Celebrity and the v5.5 are almost the same. The only real differences are the name and a couple of other features (for example, on the Famitama Royal you have to spend Gotchi Points to use the travel channel and your Tamagotchi automatically returns home at night...
  14. D

    My babies are adults!

    Your Tamagotchi won't die or evolve into oldies if you don't visit the Matchmaker. You could try and get either the Cheerful or Easygoing families. To get the Cheerful family, you have to mate your Cheerful character (in your case your Mumutchi) to another Cheerful character of the opposite...
  15. D

    What is the growth process for a Version 4?

    Baby -> Child: One hour Child -> Teenager: 24 hours Teenager -> Adult: 48 hours Ability to mate by connecting: 24 hours after evolving into an adult (if I remember correctly) Ability to mate with the Matchmaker: 72 hours after evolving into an adult Hope I helped!
  16. D

    Whats the maximum and minimum weight of a Tama?

    The maximum weight for any Tamagotchi is 99g. Minimum weight varies per Tamagotchi. On my v1 (and most other Connexions too), it was: Baby- 5g Child- 10g Teenager- 20g (though for some I think it was 15g) Adult- 30g (though for some I'm pretty sure it was 20g) I think oldies were the same...
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    Tamagotchi Music Star

    I think that the people on Tama-Zone are still in the process of making one.
  18. D

    Wake up?

    Bandai always seems to neglect to put lots of stuff in the instructions. It seems that they put a lot more effort into making instruction booklets for the Japanese Tamagotchi than for any other Tamagotchi. English instruction booklets are plagued with errors. I remember v5's manual said "enter...
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    10 yr old entama child [or toddler]

    On some Tamagotchi, Tamagotchi age 1 year for every 24 hours they have been off pause. This includes sleeping time. On other Tamagotchi, Tamagotchi age 1 year every time they wake up. Therefore, you can change the time so that it goes to sleep and change the time so that it wakes up and it will...
  20. D

    How did i get Kuchipatchi?!

    To get a Kuchipatchi, you must have a male Tamagotchi, its teenager form must be Oniotchi/Oniontchi or Yangu Kuchipatchi and its kindness points must be the highest. It also has to have had decent care so that it doesn't become a Universal instead. You must have had Oniotchi/Yangu Kuchipatchi...