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  1. D

    Found one of my old Tamas!

    I got mine from Dicksmith (an electronics shop- its name is actually two words long but Tamatalk's coding probably won't let me type it here). They're CR 2032 batteries.
  2. D

    Tamagotchi Antenneas

    I... hate... antennas. My first Tamagotchi was a v1, so the chain that I hooked on to my lanyard was on the right hand side. Therefore, it was a lot more comfortable for me to operate my Tamagotchi with my left hand and therefore, I got very used to it. I'm right handed, but I prefer using my...
  3. D

    Music Star Genre Swap

    According to Bandai's instruction manual, your Tamagotchi's preferred music genre can change depending on what instruments you give it. Bandai's instruction manuals tend to have a lot of mistakes, though...
  4. D

    The Elixer Of Life V3

    Have you paused your Tamagotchi at all? That might be the problem.
  5. D

    Gotchi King Family?

    You must have a v5.5/v5 Celebrity. From what I've heard, you can either get Prince Tamahiko, raise bonding up to 100% and then marry Rosutchi, or get Princess Tamako, raise bonding up to 100% and then marry Tamasutatchi.
  6. D

    V5 Celebrity-Please Help

    1. As Binary said, yes. 2. From what I've heard, there's the Royal Family plus families like the Sociable family which replace the smart/cheerful/easygoing families from the regular v5. 3. As far as I know there's only one "pure family" (the royal family) so to make up for that, there are four...
  7. D

    how do i bond with my tama?

    This topic should help:
  8. D

    Reaaally Young Adult

    For a start, v4s take less time to evolve than v3s. A v3 takes 72 hours for a teenager to mature into an adult (normally about 3-4 years old), while a v4 only takes 48 hours (normally about 2-3 years old). If you have reset and downloaded your Tamagotchi at some point, or replaced the batteries...
  9. D

    How long until my V4 turns into adult!?

    It takes 48 hours for a v4 teenager to grow into an adult. When your Tamagotchi is paused, those hours don't count. When your Tamagotchi is sleeping, those hours DO count. Don't worry, v4s take HOURS to die. One time I hatched a baby and left it without looking after it or anything and it died...
  10. D

    Where are his parents?

    On the v5.5, the parents won't be around very often, but you will see them when playing games involving the parents. From what I've heard, the parents appear less on the v5.5 than on the v5. On the v5, my Tamagotchi's parents show up to serve food to the children and to give the children...
  11. D

    Tamagotchi Color Information?

    There are several guides on Tama-Zone and all of them can be accessed from this link:
  12. D

    Oldest Tamagotchi

    Oldest as in oldest version: my v1. Oldest as in aged the most: my v3, Yoshi, who lived to 28 years old before I got really frustrated at my v3's games ;)
  13. D

    Okay, now this is weird. >.<

    I've heard of a similar thing happening with someone else's v5 and Music Star. Maybe it's something that Bandai didn't take into consideration when they were programming the Music Star.
  14. D

    How to get a Mametchi on V4

    To get a Mametchi, have a boy Tamagotchi, hope that it becomes either a Yangu/Young Mametchi or a Yangu Robotchi/Young Androtchi, then increase its intelligence (pencil) points so that it's higher than its style or kindness points. It doesn't have to be that high, as long as you have enough...
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    Question about Ages

    If you like Tamagotchi, play with them. If you don't like them, don't. If someone questions you, ask them if there's anything wrong with doing something that you enjoy. My sister says everyone just do whatever they want as long as they don't force other people to do stuff that they don't want to do.
  16. D


    Well, for starters, when a new version comes out try reading a few logs first and find out a few things about it because there might be some things that make you think twice before buying. Only get one, though I guess you have some excuse if there's no backward-compatibility with that particular...
  17. D

    what language is the "japanese" tamagotchis?!

    I've never learned Japanese but I think the three Japanese alphabets (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji) work together. Katakana's used when writing words that come from other languages (mainly English) and the other two are generally used when writing Japanese words. I'm not quite sure if there's...
  18. D

    Littlest pet Shop Digital Pet: Care for me Review!

    I was wondering... is this like the older Littlest Pet Shop digital pets except for the fact that you have to look after them and fill certain meters? Do they die/leave you if you don't look after them? And another random question... on the older Littlest Pet Shop digital pets you can find...
  19. D

    Version with best characters

    I hate v4s, but I would have to say that v4 had the best characters. My first v4 adult was a Meidotchi/Maidtchi and I really liked this character... I also like Memetchi and Ichigotchi. Too bad Bunbutchi isn't on this one, I got him on my v3 and he became my favourite v3 character :) I also...
  20. D

    Is it possible?

    As long as your Tamagotchi adults are old enough, you will be able to mate regardless of bonding. 100% bonding's only needed if you want the possiblity of getting "space characters" on your next generation or if you want to try and achieve a pure family.