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  1. D

    v5 space family

    Just one. I've had the space characters twice before. They have a very simple growth path- there's only one "space" baby, one "space" child etc. so if you could have more, you'd end up having like twins or triplets on your v5.
  2. D

    How do you MUTE a tamagotchi? Permanently?

    Yes, if you snap the sound wires, you'll mute your Tamagotchi permanently, unless you solder (is that the right word?) the wires back on again. There's only two wires there so it's easy to see which wires are the sound wires! I've accidentally snapped sound wires on a Tamagotchi once when I was...
  3. D

    v6 FAQs =) help me

    The v6 is actually a standalone Tamagotchi called the Tamagotchi Music Star, though some people still like calling it a v6. I don't have one yet, but I'll tell you what I've heard about it. The Music Star is all about raising your Tamagotchi to become a musician. When it grows up, it will go to...
  4. D

    How long can v5s live without care?

    I remember one time I hatched v5s and left them alone right from the baby stage with no care. They died around 7-8 hours later, faster than the v4. Still, that's starting from the baby stage, so if your teenagers had had good care before you left them alone, they shouldn't die.
  5. D

    Tamagotchi + Color help

    I don't have a TMGC+C so I can't really say :mimitchi: I can read a little bit of Japanese, but not much.
  6. D

    The Current Violetchi

    As far as I know it's: Regular Characters Furawatchi- Japanese Tamagotchi Korotchi- Tamagotchi Connexion v2 Leaftchi- Tamagotchi Connexion v3 Violetchi- Tamagotchi Connexion v4, v4.5, v5, Music Star and Corner Shop (as far as I know it wasn't on v5.5, I'm not sure about the Music Star...
  7. D

    Connecting on V5

    Yes. Sorry. I really don't know why Bandai changed the Load/Reset screen from the Japanese Tamagotchi to Download/Reset on the English ones. It just makes it very confusing. My friend said that one time when she first got her Tamagotchi, she set the wrong time (AM instead of PM) and she thought...
  8. D

    Weird reset problem

    I've heard of some people using incorrect batteries and being able to use them by taping them in or something, but it is better to use the proper battery anyway. You can find them in Dicksmith and other electronics stores.
  9. D

    Kuchipa Family

    To get a Kuchipatchi, make sure one of the family members is a male (if you have 2 or 3 kids one will be a male) and use only the third option while training. Raise bonding to at least 80% and you should get Kuchipatchi.
  10. D


    As long as you don't neglect your Tamagotchi or overfeed it, it'll remain a Kuromametchi. If you let it marry, it'll evolve into a Papakurotchi.
  11. D

    When does a tamagotchi age?

    Have you ever had to reset/download to fix a glitch or replace the batteries at any point? Resetting and downloading resets the age counter, not the evolution counter, which makes your Tamagotchi appear to evolve at a young age. Sometimes your age counter might just be slower by a couple of...
  12. D

    C button zoom

    I'm pretty sure some sort of C button reaction works on: v4 v4.5 v5 v5.5/v5 Celebrity Music Star? (Not sure) Entama Uratama Famitama Famitama Royal TMGC+C? (Again, not sure) I have a feeling that it may also work on Keitama/Keitama Akai but I'm not totally sure. It probably doesn't.
  13. D


    The Memory option shows Tamagotchi families who have departed because you didn't look after them well enough, not Tamagotchi who departed because one of their siblings married. I don't remember if there were any items that made my v5 unhappier, sorry. I do know a lot of them make your...
  14. D

    The Elixer Of Life V3

    I remember reading someone's log once and they said that they thought that v3s tended to take a little longer (a few extra hours) to age.
  15. D

    Connecting on V5

    I've heard that on previous Japanese Tamagotchi (Keitama, Entama and Uratama at least) if the battery is low, when you attempt to connect, you'll just get the load/reset screen. They did this on the Famitama as well. Since the v5 was meant to be almost the same as the Famitama, the v5 has it...
  16. D

    changing the time...

    Also, there are some Tamagotchi that age every 24 hours that they aren't paused instead of every time they wake up. You can't change the age counter on those Tamagotchi. As Binary said, messing with the clock won't make your Tamagotchi evolve sooner.
  17. D

    Angelgotchi buttons

    bella3- Try for some information about the Tamagotchi Angel/Tenshitchi no Tamagotchi. Back on topic: There may be a little dust stuck under the buttons, or as TamaMum said, the buttons might just be slower to respond than newer Tamagotchi.
  18. D

    My fav tama

    Hmmm... I don't really have a favourite, but some of my favourites are: Bunbutchi Ichigotchi Memetchi Chibipatchi I just put them in order of when they came out, just for fun. (I'm pretty sure Ichigotchi and Memetchi came out together on the v1 though.)
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    *remembers the days of v1-v3 where characters weren't gender-specific* I sometimes wish it was like v1-v3 where you could have whatever character regardless of gender. Okay, I guess most characters were generation-specific. For example, on my v1, I could only get a Mimitchi and a few other...
  20. D

    What do you think about TamaTown Music City?

    I think that Music City seems to be a lot better than all the previous Tamatowns. It's nice that this one isn't just the basic enter-your-username-and/or-password-then-do-stuff-then-put-it-on-your-Tamagotchi type Tamatown that we've had since the Entama and v3. I haven't really explored Music...