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  1. D

    What the?!?!

    The ponytail girl Tamagotchi is called Ponitchi/Ponytchi. She isn't a special character. Basically, to get her, you need an Ichigotchi or a Yangu Memetchi on a v4. Then you must raise its Intelligence points so that it's higher than its Style or Kindness points.
  2. D

    Balls in my MEAL ITEMS!

    I've had the ball glitch before, but I actually deliberately triggered the ball glitch. You see, you will get the ball glitch if you delete a lot of items at one time. So, to avoid it, delete one item, wait a while or play a game or whatever, then try deleting another item. Eating the balls...
  3. D

    Old or new?

    I've never had a "vintage" Tamagotchi, my first one was a v1. I must say, I definitely prefer my v1 over any other Tamagotchi release. It was easy to care for seeing as you didn't have to play the games for that long to lose 3g of weight (one of the things I hated about the v3 and v4) and you...
  4. D

    Oldies Married!

    Yeah, one time I had an Ojitchi on my v1 and an Otokitchi on my v4. They married and had Oyajitchi. Still, congratulations on getting Oyajitchi! Not many people get him because they tend to make their Tamagotchi marry rather than making them evolve into an oldie.
  5. D

    You? A Music Star?!

    I'd definitely be Classical. I currently play piano and clarinet (mainly piano). My favourite music to play is classical music. My favourite piece is River Flows in You by Yiruma. You can find it on Youtube.
  6. D

    He should be an adult by now

    Some of the earlier v1s age every time they wake up. The later v1s age every 24 hours. You probably just have one of the earlier ones.
  7. D

    V4 Tamatown

    I haven't played with my v4 in a while, but I vaguely remember something like that happening to me. I think it might have just been something Bandai forgot to program in.
  8. D

    Do you like v5?

    I didn't mind the v5 that much, but I felt it was one of those versions that had to be raised alongside another Tamagotchi otherwise it could get quite boring.
  9. D

    What is the highest generation you have gotton to?

    Mine was 104th on my v1 (though the generation counter just stays on 99 so I can only get odd-gen characters now), then I took the battery out.
  10. D

    Never Educated?

    Did you ever change the time so it's asleep or mix up AM and PM? That might be the answer to your Tamagotchi's sleeping problem.
  11. D


    On the v4.5, you have to raise your Tamagotchi to get a job and become successful in life. If you have played with other Tamagotchi recently, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out the basics, for the most part. But I'll explain the basics anyway... because I've got a lot of time on my hands...
  12. D

    Music star growth chart?

    People on Tama-Zone are currently making a growth chart. I don't know when it will be done.
  13. D

    How to get...?

    I'm not sure, sorry. I think it's around 90 or less skill points in total, though I could be totally wrong. I've only gotten universals when trying, though.
  14. D

    My tama is on g3...

    Are you saying that you've chosen Family on the Notebook, then chosen one of the two options there? Well, if I remember correctly, History is for Tamagotchi that have passed away under bad care, not because your Tamagotchi had a baby. Parent shows your Tamagotchi's parents and grandparents...
  15. D

    Factfile of Yourself~

    I'm just going to say my favourites and stuff because I happen to be overly cautious when I'm chatting online to anyone who I don't know in real life :D Favourite animal: Monkey. Favourite book: The Wind Singer Favourite movie: Twilight Lucky number: 27, 36 and 29 Dream job: Musician...
  16. D

    How to get...?

    Basically, if you want to get any character besides a Universal, you need to just give decent care. Which means raising its skill points to a decent level, maybe around 70-100 (haven't really experimented), filling up hunger and happiness hearts as soon as one empties (well you can let more drop...
  17. D

    Tamagotchi v6 Help

    I think they're still working on it. Hopefully it'll be done soon :D
  18. D

    v1,v2 or v5?

    I think this should have been in What's On Your Mind, but anyway... My favourite was the v1. It's simple to care for and the games don't take up much time.
  19. D


    I think Binary said on Tama-Zone that it's based off a folktale. If I remember correctly, he said that in the story a man goes and visits some fairy people. When he leaves, they give him the Tamatebako but tell him never to open it. When he returns home, he can't find anyone that he recognises...
  20. D

    online trial

    Try this site.,GGLG:en