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  1. M

    my tamagothi keeps evolving in to the same ones?

    Try something differnt. For example, you can keep its happy points as low as possible to get a Tarakotchi or Hanaitchi.
  2. M

    v5 space family

    I'm pretty sure it's one.
  3. M

    V3 & V4

    Yes they can be married.
  4. M

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    I'm not doing yours cuz you didn't do mine. *raspberry*
  5. M

    Comment on a

    Cool. Sushi can give you worms in your stomach.
  6. M


    R A N G E R R U L E S ! Medicham.
  7. M

    Which Hand do you write with?

    Look at the title! I write with both! EDIT: Made a mistake, but whatev.
  8. M


    I am model!! For real, not kidding! Well, in training, actually. You'll have to know a few things: 1. Personality DOES matter. You can't frown on the runway. 2. If you're not allowed to wear make-up, you can't do modeling. 3. They WILL teach you behind the scenes stuff, like ettiquette and...
  9. M

    Err. Yea

    You can get them from dogs IF (big word) it has worms. You can also get worms from eat raw stuff like sushi. Ask your doctor if your having, say, a few stomach pains here and there or you're eating a lot but not gaining any weight. Worms eat your food. Medicham.
  10. M

    are you populer?

    No, I'm not popular. But I will be, if I keep up the-most-books-read-in-the-history-of-the-school tittle. The opposition is one of my friends, who is friends with a popular girl, which is sort of my friend, because she is friends with my worst enemy, who imatates this girl who is sort of my...
  11. M

    Mightnight Moon

    I sounds sooooooooooo*three years later*oooooooooo good. Please write at least the first part. Medicham
  12. M

    Comment on a

    I really wanted to know that...NOT. Roy Sullivan set a record when he got sturck by lightning 7 times in 35 years.
  13. M


  14. M

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    I loves Sam Koster, a hot Australian boy<3 I need to poo  
  15. M

    Rate The ___ Above You

    *i*/10 The name "Bob"
  16. M


    Okay... Hey, did you know this topic is turning 3 years old?
  17. M

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    Probably in the cookie jar! =D This human does not like the Jonas Brothers.      
  18. M


    Mine have never hurt. I like moneyyy.
  19. M

    Christmas carols

    I like "I'll be home for christmas" and "Sleigh Ride"
  20. M

    Jonas Brothers

    There's like 100 topics on this subject, and I'm gonna say a few words. THE JONAS BROTHERS SUCK MAN EGGS!