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  1. P

    South Park, anyone?

    South Park is teh best. Butters and Mr/s. Garrison are my favorites
  2. P

    █ ♥ █ Go Canada █ ♥ █

    I'm glad they won. If they didn't, they would look like a joke.
  3. P


    you so funny
  4. P


    Go away.
  5. P


    Derva... Will you marry me?<3 BTW MORSMORDRE CONJURES THE DARK MARK
  6. P


    I'm not cool enough to be a cheerleader.
  7. P

    8 Most worn things !(:

    1) most worn lipstick/ lipgloss: Chapstick 2) most worn necklace: I don't 3) most worn shirt: My brown one with cool stuff on it 4) most worn bracelet: I don't 5) most worn shoes: Blue converse lololol my only pair 6) most worn hair product: Shampoo 7) most worn perfume/ Body spray...
  8. P


    Becca, visit Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. It's cold, we have rivers, and wild life, and skylar, and mountains, and civil war museums. And you can find a cheap Bed and Breakfast. or my house
  9. P

    Do your parents know about TT?

    My parents don't know about my computer habits.
  10. P


    I prefer spoons. I'll only use chop sticks if I stick it in the food, and eat it like that.
  11. P

    Blogs -

    I created a tumblr just now and posted how my day went. I will not update it, because this is basically how my day goes. Everyday. READ IT I PUT IN A LOT OF DETAILS ABOUT MY DAY SO IT'S LONGER, IT TOOK ABOUT 15 MINUTES.
  12. P

    Tails Doll?

    lulz it iz true i play sonic all da tiem my soul has been abducted lul
  13. P

    New account!

    anything but options 2,3, 4, and 5.
  14. P

    Blogs -

    My life isn't interesting enough to blog about. baawwww.
  15. P

    School schedulesss?

    Everyday: -Maths. (Probably my most boring class) -P.E. (Ok overall, Gym teachers can be butts) -Coordinated and Thematic Science. (My best class, But the teacher isn't very force-fall) -WV Studies/Civics. (Most boring class next to Math.) -Lunch. (Yes.) -AR. (Basically you read. I enjoy...
  16. P


    I lol'd. Making fun of little girls and stretching the truth is cool. Anyways, I don't get bullied, nor do I bully. Everyone here pretty much stays in little groups with their friends and don't even look at other people. :]
  17. P


    My birth name is Skylar, but it's not dark and mysterious enough for an individual like me. Living in a world of conformists, I change my name to something that expresses myself, SkylarSpiderwebs.
  18. P

    What's your favorite Cereal and Milk Combo?

    Special K with the strawberry and yogurt clusters, with milk.
  19. P


    Just get to know him a little more.
  20. P

    What happened in your neighborhood

    No one in my neighborhood reads besides me. .... ._.