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  1. K

    I'm dreading school now

    complain to the principal. it works if you have a nice one that understands. also i agree with x.Saku lookes DO matter wherever you go, just improve your look a little if you want, and just tell them 2 bad when they start complaining
  2. K

    GO ELMO!

    i love what happens at 1:08 and 1:52 and at the end when they are holding hands. =D O.o over 10 milloin views!!!!!
  3. K

    Clubhouse open 9AM-5PM KT

    im asking........ please tell us???????????????????
  4. K

    Have you ever gotten gem of the day?

    i just got today's gem of the day (a pyramid plunder) he sold it to me for 450 webbucks!!!!!!!!! (i know its called kinzcash but i like calling it webbucks)
  5. K

    What is Your Favorite Letter of the Alphabet?

    thanks!!! what are Fibionacci Numbers?
  6. K

    What is Your Favorite Letter of the Alphabet?

    i like S cause its the first letter of my name and a § which you can type on your key board by clink ALT+789 (789 in order, not at once, and with the side numbers) what does the § mean?
  7. K

    im so sad!

    awww, its okay *hugs* just think about all the good memories with your puppy , if you think about the bad, it will make it worse, write in a journal and write little notes and send them in the air on some ballons it helps.
  8. K

    fav websites

    what is devianart?
  9. K

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    i know its not against the law to change something, but something thats not owned or used by another person!!!!! vampires are not trademark!!!!!!!!!!!! also, im not "gonna get used to typing like this" and "treat this like school"because im not stupid, im not going to write an essay using no...
  10. K

    fav websites

    i completed fancy pants man 2 addicting games!!!!!!!!
  11. K

    Can the manatee walk into non-water rooms?

    alright good enough!!!!!
  12. K


    is she a close friend? or someone your so-so with? if you tell me i could help you
  13. K

    Why did you join tamatalk ?

    well, i wanted to join, but i wasnt sure, i kept on making one, and when i was about to finish i would decide not to. then at 8 in the mouring i woke up and couldnt fall back asleep,so i went to the computer and made one, i couldnt think of a username so i ramdomly typed kupatchithelover...
  14. K

    fav websites

    i like: xD and *drum roll* WWW.TAMATALK.COM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. K


    when i got them on they didnt hurt, so i felt like i was on top of the world because i thought that all of the people who told me said that it killed lied, later i tried to eat a cookie, but i couldnt bite, so for the next few days, it even hurt when i ate yogurt!!! if you have brothers,DONT get...
  16. K

    poem i wrote

    that is really good!!!!! did you ever think about getting your stuff published??
  17. K

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    i think that is was rude to mess with my post like that, this is a blog, not school!!!!!!!!!! do you do that to everyone? or just to blow me off?(blow=pi**) plus, im not going to dose myself in "holy water" because im not a christain, idiot!!!!
  18. K

    unfinshed buisness from my last post

    problem a girl!!! dont you mean take it like a WOMAN? xD
  19. K


    ya, alot