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  1. K

    Ridiculous school rules?!

    I know why they don't allow zipper hoodies, almost all public schools have this rule, (THANK G-D that I am in a private school that lets you where what you want!!!!) You can't wear them because people put up the hoods so security cameras can't see the person's face and go into the halls to steal...
  2. K

    Happy Birthday to me <3

    Happy B-Day!!!!!! Here's your B-Day present: Click!!!!! It's a Panda Puppy!!!!!!
  3. K

    what do u want for your b-day/x-mas

    Well here are what I WOULD want but can't have: iPhone Juicy Couture gift card/any item of my choice Trip to Hawaii or Israel Stuff that I want and CAN have: Nothing yet, all the stuff right now sucks, except for this awesome perfume I want.
  4. K


    Wow that is pretty scary!!!!!!!!! What kind off a-hole would set a porta-potty on fire?
  5. K

    So today.

    Ah.......memories on the bus. I have quite a few. I don't take bus anymore though, I went until 7th grade. In my old school we would have seperate buses for Friday because Friday is always a half a day, so it was always sooooo crazy, like one year it was December and like 80 degrees outside so...
  6. K

    Do any of you live in Brooklyn? Or Hollywood?

    OMG!!!!!!! I ♥ JONAS BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend met them on the street in Manhatten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. K

    Ringtone only children can hear!

    Omg I can't hear it at all!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile my 20 year old bro and my twin bro can hear it, and after while I played it, my ear hurt, even though I couldn't hear it!!!!!
  8. K


    That's okay, at petco I took a picture of me pretend eating a real six-legged starfish.
  9. K

    Webkinz Avatar shop

    It's kind of blurry, if it was more clear I would be able to see it better, but even blurry I can tell it's good!!! Can you make it not blurry?
  10. K

    Google Yourself!

    I searched my Webkinz user name (MashedPotatos47) and nothing came up. I searched my YouTube account (thelegendaryduckys08, no videos yet) and it came up with a bunch of comments I made on YouTube videos. I searched my TT username and it came up with 2, and then I clicked on something that...
  11. K

    Do any of you live in Brooklyn? Or Hollywood?

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all of you who live near Hollywood, have you met any famous people?
  12. K


    The witch looked and looked.
  13. K

    Odd Girl?

    WOW that is crazy, who knows, it might be a sign?
  14. K

    Do any of you live in Brooklyn? Or Hollywood?

    Random Q: Do you live in Brooklyn? Or Hollywood? I was bored, I don't live there, I just started thinking about it and started wondering and then it came to this.
  15. K

    Do u ever hear voices in ur head?

    I tried searching it on YouTubecbut I got nothing. Then I tried Google, and it turns out I'm not the only one who remembers. Wow that is creepy!!!!!!!!
  16. K

    What am i going to do...

    Break up with Will, if he is so immature and bad, and Ben is the one that loves you, then date Ben!!! You'll be so much happier.
  17. K

    Do u ever hear voices in ur head?

    Me 2, like a few days ago, out of nowhere I remembered the first Bulid-A-Bear (trademark) commercial. Are you wondering what it is? Here, see if you can remeber it: Girl that looks like shes thirteen (Girl for short): *listining to CD player, singing along* ♪ She's a washing machine, whirling...
  18. K

    Do u ever hear voices in ur head?

    LMAO I am sooooooooooooo trying that!!!!!!!!!!
  19. K

    Webkinz Avatar shop

    is it done yet?
  20. K


    i went to petco to get my piggy a new cage, and i saw more piggys there!!!!