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  1. K

    Funny Obama vs. Hilary video

    // Tell me what you think.
  2. K

    Converse. :]

    I have lime green one that I am planning to draw w/ purple on. A girl in my class has converse boots. I thought that they would take forever to lace up, but then I saw a zipper in the back. xD
  3. K

    Should I use RosetteStone?

    I wondering if I should use RosettaStone to learn Hebrew. Have any of you ever used it? Does it work? I think it might cause on the commercial it said rojo=red and perro=dog and I can't forget it!!!!
  4. K

    What does you birthday mean?

    August 2nd You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense. You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends. Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone. Affection is like air for you - you need to give and...
  5. K

    The Impossible Quiz!

    I've played this before. It rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Papa Louie is also good: (it's also on miniclip but miniclip has virises)
  6. K


    Ok, here is a recipe I made up a few years ago, It's pretty popular with my friends, so I'm sharing it with YOU too. MARSHMALLOW EXPLODIES: Ingredeients: Marshmallows (any amount, as long as it fills the center of your plate and leaves an open circle around it) Utensils: Microwave, fork...
  7. K

    Blood type?

  8. K

    Who do you think is worse?

    I know that TNBB is not bad like MC or Brit S (I couldn't do the real intinals) but I thinkthat they are annoying.
  9. K

    Do barbie dolls suck? yes

    Once my brothers wrapped an old Barbie doll of mine's head in duct tape. I took it off cause I pity them (sometimes), even though I hate them. It's hair was ruined > ^_^
  10. K

    I wish I was....

    I wish I was Bella. > ^_^
  11. K


    I first heard or dElia*s a week ago, I got a catalouge in the mail. I want the Viva Victorian bedset, but it doesn't match my room. BTW I'm talking about Chanuka for me, NOT x-mas
  12. K


    Knock Knock Who's there? Poop Poop who? Poop on you!!!!! MOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. K

    Band Names

    It depends, can we hear a song? Ya know like, post it on YouTube? Don't worry if you don't have an account, make one, it's free.
  14. K

    Something funny

    Well, it seems corny to me and my friends, but that's just our opinion.
  15. K

    Magic trick

    Is it supposed to have the first 4 numbers in it? ex:7777-777-7777 or just 777-7777?
  16. K

    Something funny

    My friend and I were hanging out in front of my house and I was trying to get a picture of her looking retarded, then a squrriel ran across the road and then she said "OH MY GOD A TURKEY!!!!!!" XD She claims she really thought she saw a turkey. In other news........... My school is hosting...
  17. K

    How long are your showers?

    My brother calls me a bathroom hog (I ♥ annoying him) 8D
  18. K

    are you a girl

    Agree..........when I was nine I peed standing up and didn't miss the bowl!!!!!! (COME ON I WAS NINE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!)
  19. K

    Crazy Stuff

    Ohhhhhhh Thanks!!!!! I'm on Team Edward......My qoute is........I don't know yet let me think
  20. K

    Crazy Stuff

    I've been hearing stuff about Twilight teams, what is it? Like your shirt says "Team Edward, because Jacob doesn't sparkle" and someone else on TT put in there siggy "Team Tyler, because we wish Bella really got hit by the car" What is all the stuff?