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  1. Punch, Pash, Partner!

    Punch the Wicked Witch (she's wicked) Pash Toto Partner the Cowardly lion Bananas, Coco, Peanut (My V5's individual names that I call them. Bananas=Mattaritchi, Coco=Tororotchi, Peanut=Mousetchi)
  2. Edit!

  3. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    Yesterday, Max used the dating show. He married a Potetchi and they evolved into: Max: Papamametchi Molly(Potetchi): Mamapatchi Boo hoo! I got rid of my Mame family. They then laid their eggs. 3 of them. The first hatched into a Futabatchi. The second hatched into a Futabatchi. The third...
  4. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    197. If you have a little sister, spill soda on her and say "Look everyone! My little sister had an accident!"
  5. Edit!

    Who's next?
  6. *~*Siggy pet Adoption Centre*~*

    Thanks! She's going to preschool at the moment, so the Back soon sign has come in use. Also, could I have a bed? I don't want Serena to be uncomfortable when she sleeps.
  7. ♥The Tama Adoption Store♥

    Could I please have Kelly?
  8. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    191. Order a Happy Meal then when they give it to you, hide the toy, act like a little kid and yell "YOU CALL THIS A HAPPY MEAL?! THERE'S NO TOY!!!!!! I WANT MY TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  9. Limericks!

    9/10 There once was a girl named Rhiannon Who joined the circus and got shot out of a canon It hurt a lot When out she got shot That poor pretty young girl named Rhiannon (That's from Candyfloss by Jacqueline Wilson)
  10. Edit!

    You like homework! You must die! I do not like homework!
  11. Rate the Other Person's Quote Game

    IO/IO XD! I saw that! Okay. Your lady enemy is fat and ugly! XD From Edit!
  12. What Tamagotchi Character are you Most like?

    Fav hobbie: Reading Fav color: PINK! Personality: Smart, friendly, cute XD Chose one: School Girlish or boyish?: Girlish! Why would I be boyish if my fave colour Sports or flirting with people?: Sport Angel or devil?: Angel, supposed to be studying the bible!
  13. Edit!

    You eat Mameburgers! You Mametchi murderer!
  14. Edit!

    What's so great about a slumber party?
  15. Madlibs :D

    Adjective: Beautiful Holiday: Christmas Day Far-away place: Pluto! (XD) Quantity/number: 16 (fave number XD) Nearby place: New Zealand (my country XD) Adjective: Mame-like (XD) Important person: My dad (he runs the power here!) Your favourite catchphrase: OMG the nighttime is dark! (XD)...
  16. Edit!

    Okay. Your lady enemy is fat and ugly! XD
  17. mametchi & memetchi

    Two baby cries to be exact. For Memetchi had twins. Both girls. Their names were Gracie and May.
  18. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    Tomorrow, Max is-- Let me tell them! I'm expected to be able to use the dating show tomorrow! Why can't I get married? Well, I don't expect you'll evolve soon and you're only a teen while Max is an adult. Max this, Max that! It's always about Max! Why can't it be about me? I understand you...
  19. Edit!

    This is fun! Ooooookay! Wierdo! By the way "Oh my golly goshna" is my friend's other friend's saying.
  20. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Tracy became a Chantotchi and Link was a Mametchi. Since I could use the dating show today, I randomly chose who I got married. I didn't know it was Link until the Matchmaker showed a Chantotchi, a Tracy replica. Link married the Chantotchi and they had 2...