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  1. S

    why does my tama keep vanishing?

    thanxalot ~*tamagotchi*~, kevin and buffy too...u guyz r a sweethrt :)
  2. S

    why does my tama keep vanishing?

    thanx alot!!! u were reallly helpful. although i missed out the parents dissapearnce now i will keep a lookout for that. thanx again for the images link. tc *umah* :) -sephy
  3. S

    why does my tama keep vanishing?

    this is very confusing. each time my tama has a baby thru the matchmaker..the tama has a baby n whn it bcums 8 yrs old it jes vanishes whn he goes 2 bad...n next day i hav his new the life of a atama only 8 yrs??? iv read sum pplz pets b 15 20 days old...but thn y does mine go...
  4. S


    thanx alot guyz :blink:
  5. S


    hi tamagothi-lovers!! my name is Sephorah and i'm from Middle East. i bought a atamagotchi almost 2 weeks ago and still learning how to use it. rite now my tama is an adult n is rabit looking...chiomatchi i think. hope to share a great time here.. tc!! love all!! sephy
  6. S

    training tips

    i hav 2 questions a) how do i win a tamagothchi- item from the Toy Store?? :mametchi: the marriage lady had come 2day n showed one duck looking figue, i accidently said no to the love question. :rolleyes: will she be coming again? -sephy
  7. S

    my tamagotchi juist wont play with me

    i ahve a Chomametchi iof i hav tried 2 discipline it with Time Out 2-3 times still it wont listen. its curent weight is 34 lbs. n also i fed it food n its still the same. no play. when he was a teenager i fed it sweets so tht i can play n it...
  8. S

    my tamagotchi juist wont play with me

    i duno how to get it to play it keeps saying no n itys becoming fat which is bad rite? plz tell me some ways to make it play thanx! tc sephy :hitodetchi: