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  1. Hydric


    Uwaa we have a lot in common! Welcome to tama talk! I am still a bit new here but so far I have gotten the feeling it's common for us to be in our 20s. I am a fine arts major so I get to work with a lot of graphic designers in my classes as well. I am also very into art, videogames (and...
  2. Hydric

    Hydric's Dream Town Log and Doodles

    Gen 6: “Tabemon” So once again I was left with another boy. That makes 5 in a row…Now I almost want to keep getting boys and see how long my chain will go for! I decided to take cooking class this go around and was hoping for Kuchipatchi. My love for Kuchipatchi came through and I did get him...
  3. Hydric

    himespetchi cosplay design?

    As I doodled I was thining a full headband woulf work really well too since her helmet thing covers her whole head! Also if you could make a beanie out of shiny fabric that would be perfect because you could use it in everyday outfits tooXD
  4. Hydric

    himespetchi cosplay design?

    No problem! I'll draw it out as soon as I get a chance, should be tonight or tomorrow I'll post it here when I'm done with it~
  5. Hydric

    himespetchi cosplay design?

    Hello Himespetchi and welcome to tamatalk! I am also a cosplayer and I often design on a budget haha! I've never cosplayed a tamagotchi but I love the idea haha. The white gloves and pink gogo boots are perfect for her. She reminds me a lot of Oo La La from Space Channel 5...
  6. Hydric

    What do you do when you can't name your tamagotchi?

    Yes I was very upset when the newest one that I got did not let me name my tamagotchi! So I started a log here on tamatalk where I talk about each gen that I get. Knowing that I'll be writing about them on here reminds me to name them so that I can relate to them a bit more. Like you said, when...
  7. Hydric

    Question for those of you who make faceplates!

    I do not make the custom faceplates (But maybe I will one day!) so I am just going buy what I have seen and what I think they are. There are 3 possibilities for the tiny objects. 1. Like you said "3D nail art" decorations or decals. The most common you will find are Fimo sticks which are sliced...
  8. Hydric

    The Chain of Factoids

    Factoid: The best way to get YOUR blood out of fabric is with YOUR spit(saliva). It has to be yours! This may sound like a tip for killers, but it's actually a great tip for seamstresses who prick themselves haha!
  9. Hydric

    Hydric's Dream Town Log and Doodles

    Yes I definitely picture him being smugly proud of everything he did haha! I don’t really have many “favorite” Tamagotchi so maybe after this I’ll have to add him to the top of my list haha! I just love them all>.> Gen 5: “Bouya” Ehhhh? Another boy? We’ll at least I tend to like the boys...
  10. Hydric

    Rukitchi's P's Please, aka second log

    Thanks for having such a great log on the P! I've been thinking of getting one and I love looking at this log to help me think about it haha.
  11. Hydric

    All Tamagotchi Friends Meals/Snacks

    I think Friends and Dream town share the same favorites and I am running my dream town right now. I have found that Mametchi likes Chicken Pie and Kuchipatchi likes Hamburgers! I think Knightchi liked sausage but I can't remember. I told myself I would keep track of it in my log if I remember haha.
  12. Hydric

    Hydric's Dream Town Log and Doodles

    Gen 4: “Douya” It’s raining men! I got another baby boy and I wanted this one to grow up being a stylist. This would be my little fashionista. I actually forgot to name this one until after he turned into an adult. He turned into Doyatchi. At first I was a little let down by Doyatchi, thinking...
  13. Hydric

    Hydric's Dream Town Log and Doodles

    Gen 3: “Budges” Mametchi ran off with his new wife and left me behind another boy. I had fun basing the last one on my Fiancé so this one I planned on being one of my cats. So I names him Budges wich is the nick name of my giant fat cat. I always call Budges “Majestic” so I found it funny that...
  14. Hydric

    Hydric's Dream Town Log and Doodles

    Gen 2: “Shitchi” After Butterflytchi got married and abandoned her sleeping child in my care I was left with a very hungry boy. He would not stop eating and I joked with my fiancé about how it reminded me of him. One of my pet names for my fiancé is “Shi” so I decided that this would be him as a...
  15. Hydric

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    I really love the stickers you added to your Tamas! Just wanted to say I understand how you feel about obsession. I was really into BJDs with a friend of mine, but recently she moved on (and literally moved pretty far away from me) and it hit me pretty hard! I almost wanted to get out of the...
  16. Hydric

    Hydric's Dream Town Log and Doodles

    I ordered my Dream town off of Amazon. When it got hear I got ready to play and was expecting the classic “plastic tab” that starts up the watch battery. I was surprised to find it used AAA and I did not have any. I called my Fiancé begging him to pick some up on his way home haha! OK so I’ll...
  17. Hydric

    Games that you plan on getting/want?

    I also Plan On getting Ultra Despair girls but I STILL have to play Danganronpa 2 haha! I'm so behind:P A game I'm getting as soon as it comes out is A Land With no Night. An Action RPG made by GUST with creature transformation elements!!??? This game has my name all over it and I can't handle...
  18. Hydric

    Hydric’s Forumutchi

    Thank you for the compliment Retro! I am still learning a lot when it comes to digital art but I like using it for Tama art becuase it's pretty simple. It's a good way to practice haha! Current Question: If you were born in 1989 what would be your Chinese zodiac animal? Current Points...
  19. Hydric

    Hydric's Dream Town Log and Doodles

    Greetings TamaTalk readers! The time has come for me to make my first log and I will be using my Dream Town Tama. (It’s all I have right now haha) My log will be a little more like a diary. I will not be going into heavy detail about growth and daily care. Instead I will be talking more about...
  20. Hydric

    Hydric’s Forumutchi

    I drew a little something to maybe inspire ppl to play. Here is what my tamagotchi drawings will look like! You can also check out my art on twitter, my name is Hydric on there as well, I could use some tama twitter friends~ I drew Knightchi because he's who is in my dream town right now and...