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  1. Ashiya

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    I actually really like the jacket, it's very retro (I'm almost 27). The other clothes look totally normal to me, too, and yes, appropriate for my age (maybe we live in different worlds? lol). But I wouldn't be able to tell it has anything to do with tamagotchi, actually, more with Atari and...
  2. Ashiya

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Pfff I really like the characters, sooooooo cute XD Yukinkotchi is maybe my favorite... though I don't know which shell color I like best. At first I liked white, then green, then blue... but my favorite color, purple, keeps calling to me (my iD L is purple already). I also love girly things and...
  3. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    When I click it it's just the same exact thing. Only difference is the html at the address bar. It seems to have something to do with a language file, you see the (lang/language_pt-br.php) in that error and my language is PT-BR (code for brazilian portuguese). I get the same thing both on...
  4. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    What I meant was if it's not only me who gets the errors and can't view the FAQ =P Cause I can't know if it's just my computer or something else on my end. Has it been like that for a long time?
  5. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    Thanks for the info! Btw it's not just for me that the FAQ is broken, right? I just.. assumed o.o
  6. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    I see. Do you lose all your items if the younger ones die? It's just I had read about some tamagotchi getting old if you don't marry them off and then when they die you'd lose all your items. So you had to marry them off to keep the items. Then there was some trick with pressing a + c to keep...
  7. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    Thank ya again! :wub: I had read about how to get the symbols and saw a guide on Tama Zone but didn't know if I should spoil myself. I only read about Mametchi. Do you usually try to find the happy symbols on your own? I thought doing it that way was more fun even though it was a bit of a...
  8. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    Yeah it's why I thought it was weird how yesterday it lasted for the whole day, when on the other days it only showed for a little while. I do change time, but not the date, because my sleeping hours are completely incompatible with my tama, so he's usually around 12 to 6 hours late from real...
  9. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    The brown color looks kinda red to me so I was a little confused XD Thanks! I understand about the character birthdays. That must be why the birthday stuff was there all day yesterday! What I meant was if they also get happy birthday signs everyday because of turning another year (day) older...
  10. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    Oh wow. thanks so much Ichiro! That really helps! I didn't know the house needed cleaning at all XD I've done some cleaning with the mop once but had no idea (I couldn't figure out what all items were and English is my second language). Do the birthday signs show also when the tamagotchi turns...
  11. Ashiya

    Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?

    I'm 26 and always wanted another tamagotchi, so I bought an ID L (and want other colored tamas). I just love things like video games, virtual pets and simulating artificial intelligence. I had an original tama and a lot of others (my favorite was actually RauRaku Dinokun) when I was a kid, and...
  12. Ashiya

    Tamagotchi mate question

    That sounds pretty cool and open-minded o.o equality for tamagotchis! XD
  13. Ashiya

    Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions

    Hello, I'm new and got my ID L last week (it's 6 days old now). I only ever had the original 96' one and some other brands before it. My tama is now a Mametchi (still learning who is who) and yesterday there was a Happy Birthday thing going on for THE WHOLE DAY, with tables with cakes and other...