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  1. Awkwardo

    Why don't people like to read?

    Every teacher should read that article.
  2. Awkwardo

    I'm Back!

    Welcome back to TT. How's it been? I remember you (although if you remember me I was on a different account). Glad to see you around the forums again!
  3. Awkwardo

    Waiting for jobs

    The wait time is about 24 hours. It takes about 72 hours for the matchmaker to show up. As for the special evolutions, I believe you can get the skill points from the job so long as the matchmaker hasn't shown up yet.
  4. Awkwardo

    Was there some tip about point yields for V4 IR connection games?

    Your earnings on connection games will increase based on how many points you've donated to the king. After I'd donated 200000gp to the king, I was earning something like 600 or 800 gp on each connection game. I don't know the exact numbers, though.
  5. Awkwardo

    Stress relief tips?

    If you start feeling too stressed, leave off whatever you're currently doing and spend 30 minutes doing something relaxing that you want to do. Most things become less stressful after a short break. With random stress that's not work-related, scratch the "30 minutes" since your relaxation...
  6. Awkwardo

    Holiday Hatch

    Maimaitchi. Happabouyatchi. :D
  7. Awkwardo

    New Years Resolutions

    I was gonna make this thread... Last year I made a whole list of resolutions, some of which I fulfilled and some of which were ridiculous. This year, my resolution is to become generally better at life, something I did this year but not the previous one by a long shot. I hope to graduate high...
  8. Awkwardo

    Holiday Hatch

    Hey, do I recognize one of those? *shot* Should've updated this yesterday, but an hour after hatching, the two evolved. Furuutsupantchi Mitsumarutchi :D
  9. Awkwardo

    What did you get for Christmas?

    Among other things, a Kobo Aura HD. :D It was in an old shoebox so I thought I was getting old shoes.
  10. Awkwardo

    Passing along the Holiday Spirit

    My mom and I get into the holiday spirit by driving through the suburbs at night and looking at the Christmas lights/decorations people hang. We assess them and determine which are the gaudiest, tackiest, classiest, and prettiest.
  11. Awkwardo

    Holiday Hatch

    Married my iD L to my P's. They had two boys, a Nittobotchi and an Aokumotchi, respectively. P's is second generation, iD L is third.
  12. Awkwardo


    About Me Name: Awkwardo Nickname: Mad, Amat Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: what? Online Me! Email: shhhhh Blog: shhhhhhh IM: shhhhhhh I game online at: i don't Faves: Color: lime green, blue, purple Smell: vanilla (esp. tapioca pudding) Sound: bloodcurdling screams umm melodic...
  13. Awkwardo

    How much have you changed since joining TamaTalk?

    I came here after just having finished freshman year. Today, I have several more Tamagotchis, a driver's license, a job, and shorter, more colorful hair. Perhaps most importantly, I've got several great friends that I first met on TamaTalk. Last year, I went through some form of existential...
  14. Awkwardo

    Would you rather go into the past or the future?

    Future, future. Definitely future. I'd like to forget the past as much as possible, and the future has many possibilities, not that many of these possibilities are good. Maybe I'd want to go into the future as a person other than myself, just to see how I turn out in life, although I may or may...
  15. Awkwardo

    The Girls Life Quiz

    so I meant to go to sleep but of course I took this instead. 1. How old are you? 16 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? lol no 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? a few; my time could've been better spent 4. What grade are you in? senior year (whee) 5. If you can have anything in the...
  16. Awkwardo

    Compliment Chain

    Your use of sarcasm is fabulous.
  17. Awkwardo

    Where is everyone from?

    Admin is from Austin, I'm 98% sure.
  18. Awkwardo

    Self portrait photography Thread

    welp it's sunday
  19. Awkwardo

    Where is everyone from?

    I live in one of the more remote parts of the US and I've never met anyone who has a TT membership.
  20. Awkwardo

    What are you reading now?

    How the Dead Dream by Lydia Millet