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  1. KeroPyontchi

    how often to clean the buttons on the tamagotchi

    I don't really clean my Tamagotchi buttons regularly. I would say, whenever they need to be cleaned! :P
  2. KeroPyontchi

    New member, long time coming.

    Welcome to TamaTalk! The Tamas you ordered are a really good first choice. I love the v4.
  3. KeroPyontchi

    Tamagotchi Friends - No calls for empty happy bar, bug!?

    There was an attention call, but you left your Tama without filling the hearts so long the attention icon turned off. That's called a care miss. Eventually the icon will turn back on, calling for attention again, and if you miss THAT call and the icon turns off, let's just say its better not to...
  4. KeroPyontchi

    Your favorite tamagotchi character and why?

    Mine is KeroPyontchi! Actually my profile would have been based on Hanatchi if I hadn't fallen in love with KeroPyontchi a month before deciding to make my profile. Hanatchi was my first ever adult character. I don't even know why I love KeroPyontchi so much, I mean, I love all of the Ocean...
  5. KeroPyontchi

    Mod Break

  6. KeroPyontchi

    ~Kero's Log~

    Hey there, this is gonna be a shorter post because I'm going somewhere in like 20 minutes and I'm supposed to be getting ready as I type oops :rolleyes: Jake and Eli evolved into teens! They are now twin Hinatchis! Here's their updated chart of growth so far- > > I gotta go...
  7. KeroPyontchi

    The ^ > V Game!

    ^ no bc YOU DID NOT ACCEPT ME > Has an annoying 4 y/o brother V can buy him from me?
  8. KeroPyontchi

    The ^ > V Game!

    ^ yas > just saved the topic from being dead huehuehue V accepts KeroPyontchi as your lord and savior?
  9. KeroPyontchi

    ~Kero's Log~

    Hey guys, I know the post is a day late but I only got to start them up today. Rain and Howl left... :( But in their place I found their two babies, whom I named: and... I didn't get any actual pictures of them as babies, but after an hour they evolved into... A couple of...
  10. KeroPyontchi

    Did I Pay Too Much?

    Nope! Definately a fair price.
  11. KeroPyontchi

    V4.5 or UraTama?

    I've always been a fan of v4.5's, having two of them myself, but the UraTaama, I have to admit, sounds and looks way cooler with all the characters nd stuff. I hope to buy one someday as well!
  12. KeroPyontchi

    What do They Think About?

    As I watched my adult v3s leave last night, I watched them stare at their babies as they prepared to leave, and I wondered, "what are they thinking about?" What do you guys think?
  13. KeroPyontchi

    ~Kero's Log~

    Last update of Rain and Howl... I kind of felt bad not updating for the last time. They are leaving tonight. Nothing happened at all, I'll just post pictures of them playing with an item each I guess, since there's really nothing else to post. v3 (Rain) Shovel. Money. 'nuff said. v3...
  14. KeroPyontchi

    what are the types for miss cares?

    Also adding on, a care miss is a care miss when not only the hearts are emptied but when the attention beep is ignored. The icon lights up when it beeps, but after a certain amount of time it turns back off but the hearts are still empty.
  15. KeroPyontchi

    what are the types for miss cares?

    I don't believe so.
  16. KeroPyontchi

    ~Kero's Log~

    Hey guys! I haven't logged in a while and I have a lot to fill you in on, I'll start from oldest event to newest. Pace, the Hyottokotchi on my v4.5 got married and left a while ago. He married an Ura Violetchi... And had a baby boy! I ran him for a while. He got up to the teenager stage and...
  17. KeroPyontchi

    Hi all!

    Welcome to TamaTalk!
  18. KeroPyontchi

    Unresponsive v3

    It started working again with the same battery after a while of leaving it alone, it wasn't dust or the battery for sure but thanks.
  19. KeroPyontchi

    late introduction

    Seen you around. Welcome!