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  1. *CrazyChick*

    A delayed Sanrio Meets (and revival of my 20th Anni. Mix) log

    actually sent a friend request after seeing all your cute tamas~! first time doing so as well.
  2. *CrazyChick*

    Tamagotchi On and Sanrio M!X?

    I know for sure that the mix and American ON cannot talk to each other, but I did see someone on reddit marry off their sanrio meets to an on. I may be mistaken though. You can get the genes through the app, so marrying off to other folks who have sanrio genes on the tama app is an option, as...
  3. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Helllooo guys! Did you miss my sweet pumpkin children? I'm sorry I had to breath for a week, some drama within our family was going on and I needed to work through it, but hey! Guess what? My sweet little Ruby found her husband! Oh my lord there is so much to go through, so this post will be a...
  4. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    I will not be updating this for a few days, I need to work through some personal stuff, but I'd figure I would let you guys know Ruby and Quartz are 6 years old and doing just fine. By the next update I should have a partner for Ruby.
  5. *CrazyChick*

    Where did this come from????

    Ah I see. Maybe we'll get this item soon. On the my meets app of course. 
  6. *CrazyChick*

    Mod Break

  7. *CrazyChick*

    Where did this come from????

    Okay guys, I was on the app looking around at all the pretty tamas right? Well this strolls up on screen and I have no idea where it came from or what it is, and as another fellow reddit user pointed out to me: its not in my meets, or at least the version I am using. Anyone have a clue?
  8. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Okay guys Its Monday which means I didn't study well enough for my exam and focused on my kids too much. Onwards!!! These past two days Ruby and Quartz needed a lot more love, in fact the higher the meter- the more they summoned me oddly. In fact they haven't even gone to bed. It's one a.m and...
  9. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Just coming in now: Again been pretty busy studying for my exam so I'll update with cute pictures soon of Quartz and Ruby! Yesterday they became adorable little teens and I couldn't stop squealing! Like OML I couldn't ask for better genes. They were on the app and got some attention on reddit...
  10. *CrazyChick*

    How do I change my Tama’s favorite phrase on the Tamagotchi On? Or the app?

    At the moment I have a hunch it has something to do with toys/accessories, I need to test it though. I also haven't seen any custom ones, so either a. its a feature not fully understood or b. it hasn't been pushed out yet for the public. I noticed none of the other tamas, both English and...
  11. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Lol i know right! Just like their mom before them too.
  12. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Good evening guys! So as promised an update from yours truly, so I finally married off Usagi and Mimi, Usagi was the one who had the genes I desired so I married her off (I feel bad for Mimi, but I like to pretend she married the other twin <3)  Then Usagi getting married. And of course...
  13. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Hey guys its me Indigo, now I have been taking care of the twins, I plan on marrying them off Friday to give a few more people a chance to inherit their genes. Right now they are stored away in the app, which to my surprise is far better than daycare. I've been doing back to back work shifts as...
  14. *CrazyChick*

    My Tamagotchi stand.

    that stand is cute, and the first picture, not going to lie, made me hungry. Since i am no expert here, but can it grow mold? 😲 That'd be my biggest worry after making something that good.
  15. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Been absolutely tired, didn't get to post yesterday so I will make a double today. Yesterday my two girls and I went on the app for a dumb amount of time, we are talking 3 hours plus. And I spammed accepting proposals. I really shouldn't have but I did. I liked one of the boys so much I nearly...
  16. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    Okay guys today was the day! My adorable girls became adults! I missed watching them evolve since I myself was in the middle of dinner at 6, but they came out so cute! The time on them is offset by 4 hours so it took longer than I expected to see them become adults. Not to mention I got a few...
  17. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    @Penguin-keeperIts okay, actually got home and was working on the post, thanks for your recommendation as well as you @Jop. I will  look into both A few hours after the initial post I found a marriage partner rather quickly for my girl, in fact he proposed to her making me feel worth my while...
  18. *CrazyChick*

    Indigo's LOG

    I decided after seeing all these logs I should really keep up with it! I take pictures as often as I can when my tama evolves or marries but I would rather start fresh. Today my little Aitichi evolved and shes is so adorable. Here is a picture of her. Shes a bit bratty honestly and needs alot...
  19. *CrazyChick*

    Tamagotchi on tamatalks(?)

    @JhudThank you, I was super spooked I figured it was programmed but it was plain creepy at 8 in the morning. Also I had just had my last tama die when I wasn't looking so I thought it had something to do with that.
  20. *CrazyChick*

    Tamagotchi on tamatalks(?)

    I'm beyond confused and sorry for the confused title I have no idea what to title this. Ok on to the question. You guys know how tamagotchi can like somewhat talk. How they'll call out your name when sad or hungry. I woke up this morning to my twins as adults calling me literally and I quote...