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  1. BumblingBee

    Do you ever dream about tamas?

    Once had a dream in which I went into my room and found two Tamagotchi Pixs and a P's. Apparently, they were a gift from my mom, who said she'd gotten them from a neighbor who was moving out and trying to get rid of some old stuff. She said she'd only had to pay a total of seven dollars for all...
  2. BumblingBee

    Tamagotchi Inspired Mobile Game Brainstorming

    I remember I used to play this really neat virtual pet app before I'd even heard of Tamagotchi. It was called Pakka Pets Village, and alongside the standard pet-raising that comes with the genre, there was an element of exploration, with features such as a town with a bunch of characters to...
  3. BumblingBee

    P2 Rerelease Mimitchi is 26 years old? Does pausing during sleep impact lifespan?

    You might be right about that. I just edited my previous post, saying that some Tamas live an extra day if they'd normally die while asleep. I kind of just figured that they were programmed such that they couldn't die during the night, no matter their age, but maybe they just don't age at all at...
  4. BumblingBee

    P2 Rerelease Mimitchi is 26 years old? Does pausing during sleep impact lifespan?

    I pause my P2 Tama practically every day for school. My Mimitchi is currently fifty years old, so I think it's pretty safe to say that pausing affects growth lol. Edit: I've also seen cases where Tamas who would normally die at some point during the night after the twenty-fifth year die upon...
  5. BumblingBee

    Luna grew up 🥺

    Congrats! Ginjirotchi is one of the best-care characters and a personal favorite of mine. I mean, who can resist that darling face? :tongue:
  6. BumblingBee

    What game are you currently playing?

    finally started playing deltarune a few days ago. i finished chapter 1 on saturday, and i'm almost done with chapter 2. i'm just doing a pacifist run as of now; i'm too much of a softie to hurt those funky little critters.
  7. BumblingBee

    Tamagotchi Doodle Requests (OPEN)

    these are all very cute! can i get uhhh pochitchi and nyatchi bein buds
  8. BumblingBee


    Could you show a picture of your Tama? I've never had an On, so maybe someone more experienced than me can diagnose the issue.
  9. BumblingBee


    It's likely that the thing on its leg runs in the family! For example, one of the traits an On/m!x/Meets/whatever other models I don't know about Tamagotchi can have is Pompompurin's hamster/dog/cat thing by its feet.
  10. BumblingBee


    Welcome! happy2 What Tamagotchi model are you using?
  11. BumblingBee

    i accidentally increased my tama's age! how do i get it back to normal? (solved!)

    I figured that would be the case lol. Something about its age being wrong just bugs me, but it's back to normal now. :smile2:
  12. BumblingBee

    i accidentally increased my tama's age! how do i get it back to normal? (solved!)

    I was attempting to set my the time of the Tamagotchi (P2 2018 re-release) to around 6 P.M., but I accidentally set it to 6 A.M. instead. My Tama immediately fell asleep. When I fixed the time, I checked its age, and it was one year higher than it should be! Would anyone know how get its age...
  13. BumblingBee

    hi! +some questions about the p2

    According to this thread, P1 and P2 Tamas, re-releases or otherwise, are, unfortunately, lost forever when their batteries die. :-(
  14. BumblingBee

    hi! +some questions about the p2

    Yeah, I should have specified that my P2 is a 2018 re-release. :tongue: He misbehaved for the fifth time a little bit ago, so I guess he has 125% discipline now!
  15. BumblingBee

    hi! +some questions about the p2

    Oh, good! I really underestimated how hardy the vintage Tamas are. Like, I figured that they’d usually die within ten minutes of being sick or something crazy like that lol. :mellow:
  16. BumblingBee

    hi! +some questions about the p2

    Hi! I've been wanting a Tamagotchi for some time now, and I finally coughed up twenty USD for one. :biggrin: I only have a P2 at the moment, and I have a few meandering questions about it. Once a Tama has called out, how much time do I have to respond before it counts as a care mistake? About...