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  1. DaniTamastar

    Mod Break

  2. DaniTamastar

    The Tale Of Vesatchi (creepy pasta)

    stop im shaking and crying
  3. DaniTamastar

    RESTORED TAMATOWN UPDATE seems to be down right now... It won't load.
  4. DaniTamastar

    TAMATOWN IS BACK! (parsed swf files)

    We could just rename it to Tamatown Rewritten or something
  5. DaniTamastar

    SHOULD I??????

    dude wait for the tamagotchi ON itll be easier to use as its in english
  6. DaniTamastar

    LEAKED: Tamagotchi On- Localised Tamagotchi Meets?

     Bandai just tweeted this so I guess this is official!!
  7. DaniTamastar

    LEAKED: Tamagotchi On- Localised Tamagotchi Meets?

    GUYS! This is on amazon? It is called Tamagotchi On and it seems like it is a localised tamagotchi meets?? Have our prayers been...
  8. DaniTamastar

    TAMATOWN IS BACK! (parsed swf files)

    If you could get tamatown back and fully functioning, you would honestly be a god in my eyes. Your work is amazing so far! I hope it continues to go well :)
  9. DaniTamastar

    Any Tamas you waiting for?

    I can finally reply to my own topic heh  I am waiting for a green magical meets! I am very excited. Looking to get a blue fairy one in March :)
  10. DaniTamastar

    Any Tamas you waiting for?

    I ordered a sanrio m!x finally. I don't know when it will arrive but I paid extra for shipping so hopefully soon
  11. DaniTamastar

    Kajah995's Awesome Log of Amazingness (Take 5; Part 2)

    Omg!!! I saranghae your log!!! I loved how you roleplayed your m!xs dying!! So original yknow rly fresh,
  12. DaniTamastar

    Hey Tamas! I SHIPPYA Together (Part 2!) with pictures!

    Okay! Lets get caught up!! Wednesday 7th February 2018 Tamagotchi m!x From February 7th - 8th I didn't take any pictures of the m!x. Nothing really happened as I did want to marry my 4U and m!x at the same time but other things happened (you will find out as you read the log!) So I kept Sunny...
  13. DaniTamastar

    Hey Tamas! I SHIPPYA Together (Part 2!) with pictures!

    Sorry for not posting for a while, I have been super busy studying for tests. I will have next week off though so I will try to post then!
  14. DaniTamastar

    Hey Tamas! I SHIPPYA Together (Part 2!) with pictures!

    Tuesday 6th February Hey Guys! Shippya here! Today was a pretty average day for Sunny and Wendy. So lets get underway with the log! Tamagotchi m!x I decided I wanted to change things around for Sunny so I decided to renovate her room! I went for the flower background so I could unlock the...
  15. DaniTamastar

    Hey Tamas! I SHIPPYA Together (Part 2!) with pictures!

    Monday 5th February 2018 Hey Guys! Shippya (DaniTamaStar) here! A lot has happened since I left you yesterday. So lets get started with todays post! Tamagotchi m!x When my m!x pet woke up this morning, I heard the familiar evolution beep! She was evolving! I must have done really well this...
  16. DaniTamastar

    Hey Tamas! I SHIPPYA Together (Part 2!) with pictures!

    Thanks for replying pinkbutterflies! Yeah I have a 4U. Actually I have two! A blue one and a white one.
  17. DaniTamastar

    Streetpass Mii plaza

    If you play Mario Kart 7 online, everyone you play with will show up in your plaza. You can get a full looking plaza by only playing a couple of races.
  18. DaniTamastar

    Hey Tamas! I SHIPPYA Together (Part 2!) with pictures!

    Continued, 4th February 2018 Hey Guys! So about the whole changing tamas thing... yeah uh. I have decided to switch out the Blue iD for a White 4U. I know! I suck at this! But I have a good reason. The 10 gen challenge has started on the discord server! So I entered my white 4U. I have a phone...
  19. DaniTamastar

    Hey Tamas! I SHIPPYA Together (Part 2!) with pictures!

    4th February 2018 Ah Hey Guys! Shippya(DaniTamaStar) here! It has been a year since I started my log which I kept running for like 3 months. I have been catching up on TamaTalk for the past couple of months and I have read so many logs so I have been inspired to start logging again! I want to...