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  1. Kurb

    AC:NL I was hacked

    so what are you saying?
  2. Kurb

    Last Post Wins 2: electric boogaloo

    ThIs wAS A TriUmpH iM mAKing A notE here: hugE sucess  failure na na na nana
  3. Kurb

    Mod Break

  4. Kurb

    Draw Your Avatar in MS PAint.

    it’s not because you posted it in the new last post wins
  5. Kurb

    WordPingPong (remake)

    face (please don’t ask)
  6. Kurb

    Meets Game center?

    Ok. Thanks!
  7. Kurb

    AC:NL I was hacked

  8. Kurb

    What game are you currently playing?

    portal 2 and everyone i play co op with has only one brain cell. this one guy tried to get one of the first courses completed by throwing the laser cube at the turrets instead of using it to burn the turrets. 
  9. Kurb

    Last Post Wins 2: electric boogaloo

    abandon all hope ye who enter here for i am the winner
  10. Kurb

    Meets Game center?

    How do i go to the game center on the meets? I tried the Go Out button, but it didn’t send me to it, only the Park and TamaDepa.
  11. Kurb

    Tamagotchi ON Very Very Quiet

    *claps* Nice. Here in the USA, we gotta wait. it feels like forever
  12. Kurb

    Last Post Wins 2: electric boogaloo

    mom said it’s my turn on the winner!
  13. Kurb

    The Cloning (theory testing)

    it has BEGUN. Day one: We’re calling him Jack. As a baby, Jack pooped. A lot. For some reason, his face was always cry8ng whenever he faced forward. As a child, Jack found a poodle... He went to the resort with only a ball, took a shower, and had to walk naked because he didn’t have any clothes...
  14. Kurb

    Last Post Wins 2: electric boogaloo

    you was never is he was is
  15. Kurb

    Tamagotchi Breeding Theory

    so people who are in the app that we can marry? also i just realized something... If Lovelitchi is an accessible (meaning they can be your pet), then that means we can find someone on the app that is Lovelitchi,  4 and 7 could be Lovelitchi or Lovelitchi adjacent 
  16. Kurb

    Should I ROM test my tamas to fix any bugs?

    then how did hwd get the versions of the color tamas? there’s gotta be a way
  17. Kurb

    ROM Versions

    btdubs i found one of those music fever things on amazon for a cool 90$
  18. Kurb

    ROM Versions

    also, for the sake of science i will sacrifice my ID L and MEets (once i get them  :P  ) also, how does one go about rom testing the meets and id l?
  19. Kurb

    Should I ROM test my tamas to fix any bugs?

    GAAH! now someone's gotta find out how to rom test the meets and idl
  20. Kurb

    My Grandad's Spirit visits me through a virtual pet.

    still there is the possibility your brain is just making up ways to cope with the death of your grandfather (and i quote hopper from stranger things 3)... or this could be lies.. you see some weird stuff on the internet and not all of it's true (see: the entire internet)  :P