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  1. Dark Amethyst

    Dark Amethyst's V2 Log

    Hello! I apologize for being gone for so long, I had a bit of a busy two weeks. Allow me to fill you in briefly about my past two generations: Generation Two was my lovely Memetchi Aiden, who was extremely independent - I barely had to check on him at all, even at his child and teen stages! It...
  2. Dark Amethyst

    Dark Amethyst's V2 Log

    The matchmaker appeared today and gave Mabel a baby boy! I'm still brainstorming names, but hopefully I'll have one before she leaves him alone with me. I'm thinking maybe something simple, like Red or Flint. I'll think of something. Status: Name: Mabel Gender: Female Generation: 1st...
  3. Dark Amethyst

    Dark Amethyst's V2 Log

    Thank you, Eternal Mametchi Fan! This morning Mabel evolved into a Mametchi, which I (accidentally) equipped with the Stuffed Animal costume. I've been playing the Slot game with her which is easy money, at least in my eyes. She's been very well behaved so far. Though Mametchi isn't entirely...
  4. Dark Amethyst


    Thank you!
  5. Dark Amethyst

    Dark Amethyst's V2 Log

    Hello, my name is Ame. I've decided to keep a log about my current Tamagotchi and its predecessors. Each entry will be short and sweet, with minimal photos. Two days ago I acquired a beautiful V2 and decided to put batteries into it. The oldest I'd had was a V3, so it's been quite an experience...
  6. Dark Amethyst


    Hello! I'm a simple high school student who held onto my Tamagotchis for the sake of nostalgia and, after helping my friend find hers, decided to go out and get batteries for the both of us, plus one more friend from school. Though I obsessed over them as a child, my knowledge is clouded on...