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    ~*My FANTASTIC V5 Log!*~

    Aww! Brendon and Chloe were just eating Bananas! It was adorable. The Tweet family is good. :D   Hanatchi Lover :ichigotchi:
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    ~*My FANTASTIC V5 Log!*~

    Hello! Sorry I haven't written in a few days. Last time I posted, the Tweet family was toddlers. Now they're teenagers! Yay. Emma = Chamametchi Mikey = Mamekatchi Ally = Ichigotchi :ph34r: (MY FAVORITE!!!) They're really cute.   Stats   Family Name: Tweet Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥ Hunger...
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    ~*My FANTASTIC V5 Log!*~

    Right now, Emma and Brendon are raiding the fridge. Hmm, I hope they don't find Ally's secret stash of ice cream!   Hanatchi Lover <_<
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    ~*My FANTASTIC V5 Log!*~

    The Tweet family just grew up to toddlers! Emma = Tororotchi Mikey = Mattaritchi Ally = Sakuramotchi They're so cute! <_< Okay, I'll update later! Thanks for reading!   Hanatchi Lover :lol: *Please refer to me as that!*   PS. If you would like to comment my log, PMs are...
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    ~*My FANTASTIC V5 Log!*~

    Hanatchi Lover's V5 Tamagotchi Log!!   Hello! This is my new and improved V5 log! Currently, I have a House V5. They are babies on their second generation. I will write all about them and their future generations to come here! Let's introduce them: Brendon = Father Chloe = Mother Emma =...
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    What happened? HELP!

    Last night my v5 tamagotchi was just fine. They had all of their hearts and they weren't sick. I left them on the counter for just 1 second and my sister ran up to me and told me that my screen was blank. It was. I know they didn't die because they weren't old or sick. Then I got three new eggs...
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    My Fantastic V5 Log!

    OH NO!!!! WHAT HAPPENED?   It all started last night. I had my tamagotchis and I had to put them down for just 1 second. Then, my sister ran up to me and she had my tamagotchis in her hand. I took 1 little glance at my tamagotchis; the screen was blank. I asked her if they died and she said...
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    My Fantastic V5 Log!

    New Stats!   Hunger:5 hearts Happy:5 hearts Bonds:10% Family Name:Gotch Family Type:Blended Family Money:$280 Holly:Tororotchi Kenny:Ahirukutchi Michelle:Sakuramotchi Generation:#1   Thanks for reading. I will update A.S.A.P. Hanatchi Lover! :nazotchi:
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    Hmm, that sounds very confusing. What version tamagotchi is this? So, you're saying, you feed them three times and they turn into a different character, then you use some sort of mirror to change them back to normal, then they evolve into the same charcter? That doesn't sound right. :nazotchi:
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    Secret Characters?

    I didn't know there was a character chart. Can you add the link here so I can look at it? I have heard of those charcters before, they aren't secret as far as I'm concerned. Hope I helped! :nazotchi:
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    There is never a definate that you will get 3 tamas on future generations. For example: You might get 2 tamas next generation or you can get 3 or 1. Hope I helped. :nazotchi:
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    My Fantastic V5 Log!

    Animations!   Holly, Kenny, and Michelle have been through very exciting events! They were watching the dating show and the match maker yelled at them because they weren't old enough. She even pointed her finger at them! Oooooh! Lets hear what Kenny had to say about this:   "Oh no she...
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    My Fantastic V5 Log!

    They Grew!   Hello! My tamagotchis just grew up! Holly is a tororotchi, Kenny is a ahirukitchi, and Michelle is a Sakuramotchi. They are adorable!   Happy: 5 hearts! Bonds: 0%! Family: Blended Family! Generation: #1! Family name: Gotch! Money:$100! Holly:Tororotchi! Kenny:Ahirukutchi...
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    My Fantastic V5 Log!

    They're Born!   Hello! Welcome to my new log! I just opened up my brand new V5 and hatched my three adorable blobs! I got two girls and a boy. I named them the Gotch family. (Gotchi couldn't fit!) I also gave them their own names. The first born was a girl named Holly. The second born was a...