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  1. L

    my v5.5 log

    short note: I'm thinking of making a new account. Yes or No?
  2. L

    my v5.5 log

    v4.5 name: myla training: 9 (full) 41-133-115 gender: girl generation: 2G job: schoolgirl character: uramemetchi 12210p v5.5 name: lailah bonds: 90% active family generation: 5G character: Princess Tamako 46900p Myla: I evolved! I'm a uramemetchi! Yay! Lailah: Wait a second, I...
  3. L

    my v5.5 log

    Proffessor Intelligence: I've done it! I've really hacked into Lisa's account! Myla: She taped her password to her bedroom wall. It's really not that hard. Proffessor: So I bought the $399+ computer hacker for nothing? Lailah: Yep. Proffessor: At least I have something to bargain with now...
  4. L

    my v5.5 log

    v4.5 name: myla training: 9 (full) 235-132-85 gender: girl generation: 2G job: schoolgirl character: urayoungmorotchi 10500p v5.5 name: lailah bonds: 90% active family generation: 5G character: Princess Tamako 46900p Myla: Oh em gee Glee rocked! Lailah: Told you so. Myla: And So...
  5. L

    my v5.5 log

    v4.5 name: myla training: 9 (full) 29-117-85 gender: girl generation: 2G job: schoolgirl character: urayoungmorotchi 9200p v5.5 name: lailah bonds: 80% active family generation: 5G character: ichigotchi 46900p Lailah: Yay! Glee's on! Myla: Lucky duck. I'm in bed by then...
  6. L

    my v5.5 log

    v4.5 name: myla training: 6 29-113-67 gender: girl generation: 2G job: schoolgirl character: urayoungmorotchi 15600 v5.5 name: lailah bonds: 60% active family generation: 5G character: ichigotchi 46400$ SIT: Fine! You win! Myla: Yay! Lailah: Well, that was fast. Tiny Robber...
  7. L

    my v5.5 log

    v4.5 name: myla training: 3 23-29-61 gender: girl job: preschooler character: hitodetchi 14828$ v5.5 name: lailah bonds: 40% active family generation: 5G character: ichigotchi 46400$ Myla: Stupid postman. Lailah: This is why I'm glad I don't have a mailbox. What happened? Myla: I...
  8. L

    my v5.5 log

    v4.5 name: myla training: 1 gender: girl job: preschooler 13928$ v5.5 name: lailah bonds: 40% active family generation: 5G 40100$ myla: this log is kinda boring. i thought that we'd, i dunno, go on a quest or something. or have a super villian come. or something [unknown]: did...
  9. L

    my v5.5 log

    i'm adding my v4.5 to this log v4.5 name: Zach trainging: 6 36-78-363 Gender: boy generation: 1G job: weight lifter 12928$ baby: girl name: idk yet oh it was really weird. zach worked at the hospital before, but then he got a [!] mail and then i got to choose his job. he got x x x on...
  10. L

    What are you listening to now?

    Don't stop believin'- Glee Cast Version
  11. L


    on my v4.5, i only get robbed when my fortune hearts are low, but i've also been robbed when i had full fortune hearts. i guess you just get robbed less. like kylie* said, there's no way to prevent it. i got so mad when i was robbed 800$
  12. L

    my v5.5 log

    this morning, i tried the dating show again 1st attempt: i chose marcus and the matchmaker picked: a memetchi 2nd attempt: chose lia and got: kuromametchi 3rd attempt: chose lia and got kuromametchi again. and they married so, i got twins! both omututchis. center: girl left: boy girl...
  13. L

    my v5.5 log

    btw, the ahem, "ugly pharoh" is a pharaotchi. huh. how fitting...
  14. L

    my v5.5 log

    i'm going to marry lia now!!! first, their last stat: hungry: ***** happy: ***** bonds: 100% active family generation: 4G 32400$ and now i go to the matchmaker! okay i selected lia! ewwww i got some ugly pharoh looking tama. okay, try again: attempt 2: ugh i got the same ugly pharoh...
  15. L

    my v5.5 log

    hi tamatalkers! okay, so far: hungry: ***** happy: ***** bonds: 100% active family Generation: 4G 32400$ (thank you, log out code) btw, i have, indeed recovered from being sick, and- mommy, they already know! cause we told them! uh huh. cause ted hecked- ahem, guessed -your password...
  16. L

    my v5.5 log

    hiya, it's ted! mommy doesn't know i'm on, so SHHHHHH. oh she's feeling better by the way! i'm just kinda bored...hold on a sec...*HEY LIA, I GUESSED MOMMY'S PASSWORD!*sorry about that, she was shopping without mommy's permission, AGAIN. SHHHHH TEDDY!!! anyways, hi everyone. i'm so excited :D...
  17. L

    my v5.5 log

    im going to keep it kinda brief today. i decided to name them. Kinbatchi: Ted Princess Tamako: Lia Tamastatchi: Marcus Hungry: ***** Happy: ***** Bonds: 100% active family (it changed! YESH!!!!) Generation: $G $13400 sorry i can't write more. i'm sick today. :furawatchi:
  18. L

    my v5.5 log

    okay, lets's the info hungry: ***** happy: ***** bonds: 100% blended family (wtf???!!!it was active family before!!!!!) Generation: 4G $13100 (there's no gotchi point sign that i know of on the keyboard) Kinbatchi-son Princess Tamako-daughter Tamastatchi-son AAAAND that's...