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  1. H

    hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:

    HE PASSED THE AUDITIONSSSSSSSSS! I am so happy! (: HAHA! :D Currently, he's sleeping. I find that I always post when he's sleeping? O.O Sigh. Well, actually, I'm not really in a mood to post. :X IDK why. But, yeah, I will make it up some other time. :X HILLARY.
  2. H

    hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:

    Poor England and band. ): They've failed their auditions so many times, I'm so upset. GAH. D: Btw, England evolved into a mametchi. (: That's a piece of good news, uhms, it happened yesterday. Or was it the day before? I lost track. >< I'm going crazy with school co-curricular...
  3. H

    hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:

    HIHI! (: Just a quick question, should I start up my v3? I have a v big temptation to, but it's like, v3 can't even connect to the v6. So, IDK what's the point. Suggestions, people! (: Will it be too time consuming? Or maybe it will be much more fun? (: PM ME! (: Please and thank youuu. B)...
  4. H

    hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:

    That was from Ripped_Jeans! (: THANK YOU! :D I appreciate your encouragement alot. ^^ Well, today I'm bringing England for a barbeque! :D HOW FUN! (: I just went to tamatown and played lotsa games! (: Even created a CD, but it isn't very good. >< Hehs. Well, I'm gonna try to earn as...
  5. H

    hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:

    HELLOHS! :lol: England got a new banddd! (: Super cool. Uhms, I named the band "STARRY!" So, the band consists of. England as a singer for now, John (I'm not sure what character it is) playing the piano and... Penny the mametchi also singing! (: Apparently, they do hip-hop music. Haha, so...
  6. H

    hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:

    DAY 2 with ENGLAND! (: It just grown to be a kikitchi, like 20 mins ago! :) SUPER CUTE! :D It reminds me of a monkey. :3 Just now I went to school from some activities, and I left it alone for a few hours. >< Like 3 hours, and it's stress went up to 39. I feel so bad. :x MUST TAKE...
  7. H

    hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:

    Whoots! HI! (: It's my first post, yay. I have actually been here before yet... Stopped playing with my tama for a while due to the lack of time. But now, I have restarted my v3 and just bought a new v6 today! ;) This is super awesome. It's the black headphones one. (: Being rather confused...