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  1. T

    The Life Of Ginny The Tamagotchi

    Hey Guys, I am back and Ginny is fine.I have a few new additions to add to the family as I finally got the batteries for my v2 and v3.So all 3 are girls.Leo v3 and Twyla v2 (named after me)and Ginny.I will write down the stats now.   Ginny   Hungry 4 hearts Happy 4 hearts full training p...
  2. T

    The Life Of Ginny The Tamagotchi

    Hey Guys, Sorry I couldn't reply yesterday but my computer was stuffing up.Yesterday nothing much happened but today just as school started I had Ginny in my pocket and I forgot to take the sound off and she evolved just as the teacher was talking luckily he didn't hear but me and my friend...
  3. T

    The Life Of Ginny The Tamagotchi

    Hey Guys, Well about 2 hours after logging off Ginny evolved!I was stoked she evolved into a young memetchi here are here stats at the moment   Hungry 4 Happy 4 Training 6 Pencil 152 sparkle 163 flower 153 1 yr 17 lb Ginny Female 1G   YAY!She evolved she has the flower teacher because...
  4. T

    The Life Of Ginny The Tamagotchi

    Hey Guys, This is my log for my tama v4 Ginny yes she was named after Ginny Weasley.But anyway she was born yesterday and is currently a toddler a pucitchi   Stats today. Hungry 4 hearts Happy 4 hearts Training 3 Pencil 71 Sparkle 37 Flower 76 0 yr 13 lb Ginny Girl 1G Points 1275p  ...