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  1. F

    Baby wont cheer up?

    I have a v2 and I hatched it this morning. well th baby grewlike normal untill it got to the point that it cried. I gave it praise and it kept crying. Ive tried feeding it a snack, giving it timeout, playing a game, etc. and nothing had worked... I have already reset it and its working like...
  2. F

    Firestar's v4.5 log

    Hey. Its me again. sorry that i couldn't write sooner with school going on there is hardly time for anything at all. :P i decided to bring Meg with me to school to take care of her so she wouldnt spend 7 hours paused all day. :) So Anway I checked on her in passng periods and bathroom...
  3. F

    Firestar's v4.5 log

    hey. This log will be following me and my v4.5 (black with flames) allong on out misadventures together. enjoy. ;) -------- Log for: 9/30 Well.This morning i hatched the black flames tama and as soom as i did i put it close to my ear to hear if there was still a "heartbeat" (Just to let you...
  4. F

    'Ello! ^_^

    hey! my nme is Firestar and im new here. i have lots (LOTS) of things that i like so it would be too many to post on here. ;) Currently i have a v4.5 (black with flames) tama and i will be putting up a log some time today. untill then, bye!