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  1. T

    My Tamagotchi Logs

    Noooooooooo July left last night!! I miss her soo much! :) :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: I have Cutie now (he's a boy!) and I have him on pause because I'm going to school. Kelly is still very needy! Bella...
  2. T

    My Tamagotchi Logs

    Nothings really happened today. I still have three teenagers and one adult with a baby. Gosh, onotchis are REALLY needy. But I still love little Kelly. Bella is doing fine (she LOVES to sleep!) and last night I caught Tammy and July taking baths! I didn't scan them though. Too bad! I'll post...
  3. T

    My Tamagotchi Logs

    I have four tamagotchis and I'm making logs of them. Well, I have a two V2's, one V1, and one V3. Let's start with my V1 up. V1 Character: Oniontchi Name:Kelly Gender: Girl Weight: 89LB (hehe kinda chubby) Hungry hearts: All full Happy hearts: All full Age: 2 (teen) Tamagotchi...