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  1. BumblingBee

    Would You Recommend the GigaPets Pixie?

    Just what it says on the tin. I'm thinking about getting the GigaPets Pixie at some point in the near future (maybe for my birthday in November, if I'm patient enough lol), but I'm not too sure if it's something I'd like. Bare in mind that this would be my first GigaPet, modern or otherwise. It...
  2. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 30, 2022 (Day 29) As promised, here's a little post for Eco Day. :smile2: I was a bit surprised to get another eco badge; I thought I would get a different eco item this time. Maybe I'm just unlucky? Also, the new mission is a total scam! One of the solutions is "balloon", so I though...
  3. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    Thanks! Yeah, that was a little annoying, but of all the times a P1/P2's battery could die, that's definitely the best. Yes, it is a tiara. I got it from a previous mission. I'll attach a picture of the QR code, so you could scan it if you want.
  4. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 29, 2022 (Day 28) After Violet returned to her home planet (she became a florist!), she picked out a smart egg, which hatched into a boy. I couldn't come up with a name until he was a teenager, but I eventually named him Terry. Terry successfully evolved into Mokumokutchi, and I tried...
  5. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    It is! You can get it in the Tama Store for 2,000 Gotchi Points (that is, without a remodel coupon). I'm not too sure what you mean by the dressing room. Were you perhaps referring to Ginjirotchi's customization room? In which case, I'm not too sure.
  6. BumblingBee

    Pix Party Character List?

    It's the same as the regular Pix, but Awamokotchi and Weeptchi have been swapped out for Milktchi and Wawatchi respectively.
  7. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 21, 2022 (Day 20) So, the other day, Betty evolved into Toriritchi as I hoped. The following day, we went to the park to celebrate Eco Day and get a little badge. I missed it it on the 10th, so I was glad to have caught it yesterday. :smile2: I awoke early this morning to the sound of...
  8. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 18, 2022 (Day 17) Today, Square left for his home planet (they grow up so fast :-(). He became a chef in spite of my... lack of skill with the cooking minigame, to put it lightly. Maybe because I kept replaying it, trying to see if I could get a perfect score (I couldn't). Looks like...
  9. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 14, 2022 (Day 13) I woke up bright and early (at seven, to be exact) to catch Square’s evolution sequence. Unfortunately, he and the house were a bit dirty. :oo I got the performance training room yesterday, so I avoided taking Square outside to see if I could get another room, and I...
  10. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 11, 2022 (Day 10) Gilbert left for her home planet yesterday. I had the option to keep her for a little longer, but I decided not to. The generations must go on, as they say. It looks like Gilbert went on to be a piano player (not a trumpet player?). I guess I was just training her to...
  11. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 8, 2022 (Day 7) Not much happened today. I slept in a little, so I expect I may have gotten a care mistake or two, but I guess it doesn't matter. Gilbert's already fully evolved, anyway. I continued with her training and all that. She's still trying to be a trumpet player. I've begun to...
  12. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    Wait, really? What a relief! Though I do feel a bit silly now for writing that whole paragraph. :newmametchi: Haha, yes! They're called "fake nose glasses", and you get them from bingo and the gift game in parties.
  13. BumblingBee

    P1 vs P2, which is better?

    I personally prefer the P2 for the simple reason that the game is much less irritating. I can’t stand guessing games lol.
  14. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 6, 2022 (Day 5) For real. Who doesn’t like ramen? :huh: (Neliatchi, apparently.) Gilbert’s distaste for that dish aside, I continued to round out the “Tama List” section in the notebook and met Momotchi and Poptchi, among others. I counted the number of Tamas I’ve met, and it looks like...
  15. BumblingBee

    Bee’s Pix Party Log (Comments OK)

    July 5, 2022 (Day 4) Hey, all! I’ve been wanting to talk about some interesting experiences I’ve had with this vpet, as well as log my progress. I’m working to raise each character in the “creative” egg group and complete my notebook, or at least fill it out as much as possible without using a...
  16. BumblingBee

    Let's PARTY!! (Comments OK)

    Hey again! I’m super busy right now, so even though my Pix Party got here yesterday, I’ve not been able to start it until today. :oo In any case, here’s my code! Scan it to invite my Gilbert to a party!
  17. BumblingBee

    Let's PARTY!! (Comments OK)

    Aw, lucky! I still have to wait a day before mine arrives (I know it's not that long at all... but look! I'm really excited, y'know?) Anyways, I'll definitely be inviting your Scotty to a party soon! :lol:
  18. BumblingBee

    Is it healthy for a tamagotchi to be 2 years and 12 pounds? Also can a tamagotchi be under weight? (Gen 2 )

    To be clear, specific age doesn’t directly impact weight. Rather, it is the Tamagotchi’s growth stage that determines its minimum weight. Since your Tama is in the toddler stage, twelve pounds is slightly above the minimum weight, which, at least in the original version of the device, puts your...
  19. BumblingBee

    Why does my tamagotchi sleeping all day and its a child? Also is it healthy their one year and 10 ib?

    Different Tamagotchis are programmed to sleep during different times of day/night. Generally speaking, Tamas will fall asleep from 8-11 P.M. and will wake up from, well, 8-11 A.M.. If this isn't the case, you may have set your device to the wrong time. I'm definitely guilty of accidentally...
  20. BumblingBee

    Re release snack glitch.

    The amount of time you have to respond differs per "type" of care mistake. For example, if a Tama calls out for food or out of boredom, you have fifteen minutes to respond. Alternatively, when your Tama falls asleep, you have an hour to respond before it counts as a care mistake. There are also...