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  1. M

    Socially Unexceptable?

    Cookie3131, I agree. :lol: Because that is EXACTLY what would happen to me, and I'm in Grade 7 and I'm a girl! :mimitchi:
  2. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    ♪♪♪ The Music Star Report- "Tuning in for the Music Star Report; today we have a special guest," Miss Hanatchi said. "I KNOW, it's Saturday, but we haven't done a report for a little while now." "The special guest today is.... everybody welcome, Swan Lee the Kunoitchi!" Lisa said, ushering her...
  3. M

    my v.6 died while paused!

    Perhaps it got unpaused by accident and you just weren't watching? :D I've had that happen before.... *sob* :furawatchi:
  4. M

    She who Smiles is Always Cheerful

    Keisha the :D walked into her house after school one Tuesday afternoon. "Mom, I'm home!" she called. "How was your--" She trailed off. I guess I've gotta REALLY remember now, she thought sadly, tears starting to run down her cheeks, My Mom is dead. She sat down on the floor, taking off her...
  5. M

    HELP! Please help me in my V4!

    Doesn't it depend on what games you play? :D Yes, I think it does, if so, try playing different games. :furawatchi:
  6. M

    V5 Problem?

    Maybe, just maybe, it's similar to the old Tamagotchis, where none of the data was saved or something?? :D
  7. M

    TMGC+C quick guide

    *If* I get a TMGC+C, I'll read this guide. Thanks, binary! :D
  8. M

    DeBugged gone BAD!

    You should undebug it.... oh, you already did? Well, congratulations if it works again! :furawatchi: Just.... don't try that again.... the V3's are worse, though; my sister's is broken from when we tried it. :D
  9. M

    I thoght it wos not possible

    Probably, because they are different versions, there was this weird glitch that caused them to marry early.... I've heard stories about it. :D
  10. M

    Glitch on my V6?

    Like in the V2, it is a one-time-use item, and it lowers the Tamagotchi character's weight. I have a few, but my Kunoitchi is not fat, so, I don't want to use it! :D
  11. M

    TMGC+C not being released in a lot of places

    I was just curious. How many people are irked by the fact that the TMGC+C just came out, and it's probably not going to be released anywhere else except a few select countries outside of Japan?! And if they DO come out in other places the colours will be only limited!!! Which means that you...
  12. M

    Socially Unexceptable?

    Part of it IS the way that people have been raised in school; the teachers don't like Tams, they mess with people's heads, and only a few people like them; TA-DA!!! You have a society of Tamagotchi-haters Booing against Tamagotchi-lovers. :D Tamagotchis ARE Cute <3
  13. M

    The old days?

    I was in 3rd grade, too, and absolutely EVERYONE had one. They were allowed at school and I think even a few teachers had them; I can't remember who, though. :( I remember at recess I would run around with my Tamagotchi and connect with random people. It was fun; but I remember how upset I was...
  14. M

    Tama in or danger?

    I had it taken away numerous times during school. :( :D But, if Colortchi ever comes back to this topic, I just have one thing to say to her: DON'T, UNDER *ANY* CIRCUMSTANCES, TAKE YOUR TAMAGOTCHI PLUS COLOR TO SCHOOL! THE COLOURS ON THE SCREEN AND ALL WILL ALERT MANY STEALER-PEOPLES, AND...
  15. M

    Tamagotchi Plus Color

    Whoa, Tamaleaf, won't that cost you a fortune?! :wacko:
  16. M

    Tamagotchi Plus Color

    OMG I REEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYY want one!!!! :wacko: If they come out in Canada, they will probably come out in Ontario first (I live a few hours away from the border) sooooooo.... I MIGHT get one, but the cost will turn my mother off! But I...
  17. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    ♪♪♪ The Music Star Report- "Tuning in for this week's report!" Miss Hanatchi cried. "We have decided on something -- reports will now be held on Wednesdays!" She looked at Lisa. "My least busy day," the girl confirmed. "Anyway," Miss Hanatchi said. "Now, how is your Tamagotchi?" she asked...
  18. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    MEH. ^_^ Sorry I'm not around much.... :furawatchi: ♪♪♪ The Music Star Report- "Tuning in!" Miss Hanatchi cried. She turned and GLARED at Lisa. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!" "I've been busy," said Lisa, leaning back and folding her arms across her chest, "if you care so much to listen, I HAVE...
  19. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    So, SO sorry!!! I've been very busy lately. :rolleyes: ; ♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-   Miss Hanatchi turned to Lisa, swiveling around in her chair. "Why did we not get an update for so long?!" she demanded. "Anna Lee's been on PAUSE -- actually, TWICE when I went somewhere I forgot to PAUSE...
  20. M

    History of Tamatalk

    mimitchi&hanatchilover bounced into the room. "I agree with Tamalove; I think they're cute," she sang in her clear, musical voice. "Oh, and just call me 'mimi,'" she added, smiling.