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  1. M

    -insert coin-

    You get your coin back. :P -inserts coin- Okay, imma off to empty the dishwasher now.... brb. :P
  2. M

    Smack the person below with a ______!

    Lol! :P *smacks you across the face* But.... *smacks with the sharp end of a scythe*
  3. M

    Debugging A Tamagotchi V6/Music Star

    Umm, Jayitchi; I don't believe that you're supposed to post your introduction HERE. XD What?! REALLY?! :o I technically have a EUROPEAN Tama?!?! :o *is now very shocked* B-But.... that's IMPOSSIBLE!!!! :P How would Bandai have EUROPEAN Tamas over HERE?!?!?!?! :P Nevermind, though. XD...
  4. M

    Stop the madness!

    Makiko500: I have no dang clue. :P What I DO know is this: debugging, on V3s at least, is BAD. :o But it.... for some reason.... helps the battery last a little bit longer, I DO know that. XD :P I debugged my sister's Tamagotchi V1 when the battery was dying, and it worked very well. :P...
  5. M

    TMGC+C not being released in a lot of places

    *glares and checks on eBay* Okay, now; I have GOTTA see this. Because, if I can find a TMGC+C ANYWHERE for around maybe $CDN 55-70, then I will buy it! :nyatchi: I'm getting around $200-$300 birthday money, depending on what my parents have left from my birthday money. :( And then I will...
  6. M

    Tamagotchi Plus Color

    Well, I really do HOPE that they release it sometime. O.o; I REALLY WANT IT!!!! > :D XD Maybe if I have birthday money left over, I'll save up for it and buy it. XD But I'm going to be getting around $250 to $300 CDN dollars, sooooo.... we'll just have to see. The exchange rate went down...
  7. M

    Tamagotchi Plus Color

    Yeah, WHAT'S in November?!?! :furawatchi:
  8. M

    Could it be!?!?

    God, I WISH! :P If it DOES come out in Canada (or the USA, in which case I will have to cross the border to buy it :( ) I will SOOOOOOOOOOO totally buy it. ;3
  9. M


    I'll try it. But.... when did you GET Internet Explorer 8?! :P THAT could be the problem, there.... :( Maybe IE8 hasn't been listed as TamaTown's good web browsers yet?! :o I use Opera, that works GREAT, and many people like FireFox. But Opera is more secure. <333 EDIT: It works for me.
  10. M


    Maybe your computer is too slow? Or you have a lame version of web browser? If you use Internet Explorer, I think you gotta upgrade to either IE Version 7 or 8. Or, try FireFox, or Opera (which rocks, btw :unsure: ). Try downloading the latest version of (I think it's) Flash Player. Or...
  11. M

    Which web browser do you use?

    I don't really like FireFox; it's just like Opera but I like Opera better. However, some webpages don't work, but that's good. And, hey.... you can get Opera for the WII?! OMG!!!! :P Once I get the Wii Internet Browser I am SO getting Opera!!! :o
  12. M

    About changing Feature CDs....

    Yaaaay! :D Thank you! <3 Looks like I WILL be selling CD B after all; too bad I just got off TamaTown. :huh: Oh, well, here I come again! *bangs down door and rushes into TamaTown* Heheheh.... :P
  13. M

    About changing Feature CDs....

    Does anybody know how to help me? :huh:
  14. M

    What tamagotchi character is yours at the moment?

    My Music Star is a Kuchipatchi, my V5s are Tororotchi, Belltchi, and Mousetchi, and my Entama is one of the baby Mame things. :huh:
  15. M

    Which TT skin do you use?

    I use the orange one. :D Or, orange and purple, I should say.... it's really good for my eyes! The others are too bright and messed up, for some reason. :huh:
  16. M

    Which web browser do you use?

    Soooo.... yeah. Which web browser do you primarily use? I was just.... mildly curious. :P (Okay, a LOT curious. XD) I use Opera! It's the fastest web browser in the world, it's really secure, and it ROCKS!!! :D At one point I also used Internet Explorer, but that was SOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOW and...
  17. M

    I accidentally...

    Pooed. :) I accidentally on your hand.
  18. M

    I accidentally...

    Ripped I accidentally your DSi
  19. M

    I accidentally...

    Robbed. I accidentally online.
  20. M

    Tamagotchi Plus Color

    Yay for all the people who agree with me! :o tamaleaf, I'm jealous. :( *is desperate!!!* :o Anyways.... I THINK that I may be asking my Mom for one soon; like, for my birthday, maybe, or for Christmas; I REALLY don't know!!! :o Hey, if they DO come out in U.S./Canada, do you think...