Tips for caring for more than one tama at once?


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Jan 29, 2025
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United States
I've seen so many people running multiple tamas at once. Is there a trick to being able to manage them? I have a job + school and many different hobbies, so there isn't lots of time to be attentive, but I want to keep multiple alive! :-(
What tamagotchi device do you have? (i may have some tips for connections)
I have a connection (rerelease) ! I also have a Pix Party and P's. I'm thinking of getting an On/Meets eventually and swapping the Pix for that as like a main one to care for. I have a few others that I'm not actively running.
The connection 2024 is my favorite! Here are some tips for the re-release that i hope are helpful:
  • Pause your tamas if you arent gonna be able to give them attention in the next hours. I read the connection 2024 can be paused if you leave the screen on setting the time. And you just unpause them once you are free to take care of them again.
  • The baby stage its only 1 hour long, but in this stage you have to be alert because they are very demanding and fragile. Especially in this stage you have to pause it if you have other things to do.
  • There are 6 hearts for happiness and hungry, not only the 4 visible. Filling the 6 hearts when you can makes it easier to take care of them because its give you more time before they go to 0 hearts.
  • Keep your tamas close to you always, in a box or case to protect them when you go out. And with the sound on when its posible, because every time your tama really need care it always calls you (beep).
  • At age 7 the matchmaker will start to visit you (10:30am, 3pm y 7pm). You have to marry your tama that same day, because from age 8 it is posible that your tama becomes senior (seniors only can marry another senior, probably mening the end of your generations).
  • Winning/reaching the end of diferents games can erase care mistakes. So if you win enough games (and not always the same game) you may be able to get high tier tamas even if you made mistakes. Plus winning a game (reaching the end) fills all their hearts of happiness!
  • Sometimes you dont wanna reach the end of a game and you just want to obtain one happiness heart. In “Get” its when you catch 35 musical notes. In “Flag” its when you successfully complete 3 rounds. In “Heading” its when you hit 8 balls.
  • Although winning a game doesn't take that long. “Get” is about 1 minute and 35 seconds. “Flag” is about 1 minute and 50 seconds. And “Heading” is just about a minute.

Here is a Tumblr post that explain really well the care mistakes:

I also made an image with many useful tips for the connection 2024:

Im sorry i know nothing about the tamagotchis Pix party and P's...
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The connection 2024 is my favorite! Here are some tips for the re-release that i hope are helpful:
  • Pause your tamas if you arent gonna be able to give them attention in the next hours. I read the connection 2024 can be paused if you leave the screen on setting the time. And you just unpause them once you are free to take care of them again.
  • The baby stage its only 1 hour long, but in this stage you have to be alert because they are very demanding and fragile. Especially in this stage you have to pause it if you have other things to do.
  • There are 6 hearts for happiness and hungry, not only the 4 visible. Filling the 6 hearts when you can makes it easier to take care of them because its give you more time before they go to 0 hearts.
  • Keep your tamas close to you always, in a box or case to protect them when you go out. And with the sound on when its posible, because every time your tama really need care it always calls you (beep).
  • At age 7 the matchmaker will start to visit you (10:30am, 3pm y 7pm). You have to marry your tama that same day, because from age 8 it is posible that your tama becomes senior (seniors only can marry another senior, probably mening the end of your generations).
  • Winning/reaching the end of diferents games can erase care mistakes. So if you win enough games (and not always the same game) you may be able to get high tier tamas even if you made mistakes. Plus winning a game (reaching the end) fills all their hearts of happiness!
  • Sometimes you dont wanna reach the end of a game and you just want to obtain one happiness heart. In “Get” its when you catch 35 musical notes. In “Flag” its when you successfully complete 3 rounds. In “Heading” its when you hit 8 balls.
  • Although winning a game doesn't take that long. “Get” is about 1 minute and 35 seconds. “Flag” is about 1 minute and 50 seconds. And “Heading” is just about a minute.

Here is a Tumblr post that explain really well the care mistakes:

I also made an image with many useful tips for the connection 2024:

Im sorry i know nothing about the tamagotchis Pix party and P's...
Thanks so much!! This is all super helpful! I'll start running my Connection!! :lol:

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