Day 2, and my Punirune has already evolved into the kid stage. I was committed to caring for this little goober much longer before anything would happen, but I guess this is just the speed of things.
I have named my Punirune Ant, because it was small at the time of naming and ANT is a substring of the device serial number.
I changed the wings for a purple top hat earned from one of the codes found here. Post in thread 'Does anyone own a Punirunzu/Punirune?'
Despite these codes, my supply of yellow dye (which the instructions seem to refer to as seed

) is running critically low, and it's needed for both of the two top tier foods that aren't actively disliked by Ant. The seemingly only way to obtain dyes is through randomized events, and the amounts are pretty lackluster.
The Punirune sleeps from 20:00 to 6:00, during which time care menus are unavailable. However, the Punirune still defecates and dustbunnies still accumulate during that time, so I guess I better wake up early from now on to take care of that mess right as the menus become available again... We'll see how that goes. I don't have a promising sleep management history. Maybe the added accountability will help with that.
Ant's new shape has me a bit worried. I fed them generously, and I might have overdne it. The :| expression that is now sampled onto their face in most animations is also concerning, but I was very careful everything was maxed out before sleep. When there's neglect, the Punirunes melt and you have to roll them back into shape. That hasn't yet happened to Ant, though. The manual gives no specific care advice in this regard, so I can just assume I did everything right if I haven't seen the failure state yet. The instructions also imply that shape and color of the adult form are determined by crafting ingredients rather than care statistics, which is honestly slightly disappointing. I was looking forward to the adult forn being a reflection of my dedication.
With all cosmetics bought, one of the minigames being so trivial that it's a ludicrous coin farm and the other minigames being kinda meh, I'm also running out of stuff to do beyond care and evolving, but I suppose that's the core gameplay, and that it will be enough for this device to do what it is there for.
I'm still looking forward to where things are going.
Edit: Due to last night's sleep depravation, I fell asleep on virtual pet care duty, and reached the aforementioned failure state, where I had to roll them back together. They have since recovered, but wether and how this will effect their growth is still uncertain.
I also noticed that the food I feed isn't as effective as it used to be. Either Ant's diet needs more variety, or they just are way more hungry in their child form.