Do you remember your first tama?


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Aug 26, 2008
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I do! I went by my cousins for christmas and they got me a v1. I had no idea what it was. I thought its poop was the little hershey's kisses. Every time it turned into an adult I'd reset it. One day the matchmaker came and I got all excited and realized I didn't need to reset it. Yeah....

So, what about you guys?

Yep, pretty vividly actually. Back in 97 and in 3rd, 4th grade, a bunch of people had them and I was curious to what they were. I found out and went home and told my mom about them. Turns out, she had boughten two to surprise me, and a family friend who was coming in town later that week, with. I ended up getting it that day and it was the purple and pink P1 version. Good times.

I got my first Tamagotchi with some Birthday money. I decided to get a v1 because I didn't know what they were! I had fun with it although they died a few times, and I only vauegly remember my Strawberry who died (forgetted name) and my Hirotchi who died one night after giving birth...and I watched her die. :angry: I think thats what it was called. It had hearts on it. But it doesn't work anymore...

V2. Summer of 04. everyone at my dance camp had them, and finally, my mom tracked the last one down in my hometown and got it for me. :( I named her Bobo. When she became an adult, I got bored and reset her. After that, I always raised generations.

I think the only generations I made was when I got Hantchi or something. I don't remember her baby, so...I guess I was playing it for so long. My v2 broke, and v3s probably came out then. I had like, a million of those. But on my v1 most of them died. ;) I didn't take them to school.

one o' my friends got me a V3 in like 3rd grade. I named my tamagotchi Miki :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi:

My first ever tama was actually a cousin from back in '97. I bought a Giga Pets Compu Kitty. I love it so much, and I actually still have it, though it not longer works. I missed it so much, I bought another one to replace it.

My first ever tama was actually a cousin from back in '97. I bought a Giga Pets Compu Kitty. I love it so much, and I actually still have it, though it not longer works. I missed it so much, I bought another one to replace it.
^_^ thats not a tamagotchi is it?

I didn't know Tamagotchi's exist before got mine I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was 6 and I really wanted this ballon thing I was running to where I had bought one the week before but when I got there it wasn't there instead there was a rack of of tamas my mom said " OH this is what you wanted I had one like this when I was young but these look newer. So she bought me one I had no idea I was gonna love it so much. After a couple week s I got a sub baby sitter because the other one was sick it turns out the sub had a tama too she gave it to me becuase she was too busy to look after it any more so then I had two a blue one and a pink one. I don't know where they are now...

p.s They were Version 1 of Tamagotchi conniction

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my first tamagotchi was a v4 and i still play with it and its my favorite. i never really heard of them until my sister got a v3 for christmas, and i wished i had gotten one too. :wacko:

I'm actually holding my first Tamagotchi in my hand right now. It's a V2 that I got for my birthday when they first came out. I got about 4 tamagotchi's for my birthday but the one i'm holding is my first one. I'm not sure what the design is called but it looks like LOVE.'s Tamagotchi but with the flowers moved around.

My 1st tama was a v3. my friend abby got one and showed it to me. then i realized that soooooooooo many of my friends had tamas. so i went out and got a v3 from kmart. go to my website a ( ) and click on My Tama Collection to see which design and what happened to it.

I never had a tama until recently.

I was all hooked into the Nano craze.

I didnt know tamas existed.I saw few people with them. But I never saw them in stores. I guess they were always sold out.

I even had a Pokemon Pikachu 1 and 2 [all stolen]

I found out how tamagotchi was the first kind of virtual pet. Unfortunately, where I live now doesn't sell them. The only sold Nanos when I like 10 in primary school.

So I only recently [last year XD] saw some V3 selling. I told my bf :

"WOW!!!!!!!!! A TAMAGOTCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I MUUUUUST HAVE IT!!!!!"

So I got some money and bought it this year, like last month, cause I didn't have any money to spare cause of school and all.

And there were only like 7 or so, and for like a year, no one bought them, and the rest are still there. I plan to buy at lease 2 more.

I have a broken Angelgotchi my friend gave me. XD

Now I realise how boring Nanos were since I have my V3. :ichigotchi:

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I remember my first tama. It was a version 1. My grandma found it, I never actually heard of them before. I think I was 7. I looked after it very well at the beginning. I chewed the buttons off when I got bored. I purposely scratched the screen so much that you couldn't see through it anymore, and my dad had to take of the plastic protection on the screen. I dropped it down the toilet along with my version 2. It lost the sound. I lost it and some girls took it. I saw them with it and told my dad, he went round to their house and got it back. They'd resetted it. But when I'd lost it, it was on generation 99 and had a baby and was ready for leaving that night. When I got it back it was on generation 1. I was so annoyed. Hours away from generation 100!! I still have it, what a life it's had. xD


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