Recent content by mametchi32


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  1. M

    How to get Mametchi in Music Star

    Does anyone know how to get Mametchi in music star? I know you have to take really good care of it, and I did take really good care of my baby tamagotchi, but then it turned into a Kuchitamatchi... what did I do wrong?
  2. M

    Tamagotchi help?

    Yes I know that, but is there anyway to know when they are doing the strange face?
  3. M

    Tamagotchi help?

    Is there a certain time when on a Tamagotchi V5 when it needs to use the bathroom? So I could know when to press the button for them to use the toilet instead of poop on the floor. :)
  4. M

    where can I get a TMGC+C?

    You have to get it from some Japanese place, or if you have a friend who lives or is visiting Japan you can ask them to get it for you.
  5. M

    tmgc+ color questions

    I'm also getting a TMGC+C so I'm also wondering. But I speak japanese, so if I can help with translating, I will be glad too. :(
  6. M

    TMGC this makes no sense!

    For the watering can to work it needs to be a clear day.
  7. M

    Home Deka Tamagotchi Help

    Well thanks for the information, but I do not care if it connects to the V5. What two models are you talking about? The one on E-bay I saw was this one, Ouchi no Deka Tamagotchi, and it does not matter if it is in japanese because I speak japanese. So which model is this one? Thanks for all the...
  8. M

    Home Deka Tamagotchi Help

    Ok so can someone help me with the Deka Tamagotchi? ^_^ I was wondering that does the DekaTama still connect with Infra-Red communication to other Tama's? If it does, does it connect with the Familitchi Tamagotchi, becuase i have one and when you go to the heart on the screen it only says V5...