Recent content by Lawlitapop


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  1. L

    Where to find v5.5

    I don't know where you are, But I actually just got my v5.5 about a week ago, from the Real canadian super store ( grocery/ walmart like store) The don't seem to have cleared tham out and ahve a lot left, but, If your not in Canada sorry, Don't know anywhere else but Ebay :S
  2. L

    What do the Travel Ticket and Boarding Pass do?

    I have got the 'rare' items Travel Ticket and Boarding Pass for my tamagotchi V5.5 celebrity, everytime I use it it says " GO! or CANCEL" So I just want to know what it does, before I actually use it, in case it something I'd like to use later on or w.e
  3. L

    Tama v5 or v5.5 CONFUSION! Help please?

    Thank you guys so much! Me and my friend Bought the Tamas at the same time, thinking we got V5's , and were so direly confused, THANKS! <3
  4. L

    Tama v5 or v5.5 CONFUSION! Help please?

    YUP! :huh: Thank you very very much! Truly appreciate it! I have one last question, where could I find special codes for V5.5 than?
  5. L

    Tama v5 or v5.5 CONFUSION! Help please?

    the games are Tamafan , Pool Play , Tennis & Safebox
  6. L

    Tama v5 or v5.5 CONFUSION! Help please?

    Oh, please, anybody? also, none of the special codes for v5 work on my Tama found on this site...
  7. L

    Tama v5 or v5.5 CONFUSION! Help please?

    So, until yesterday I though I had a Tamagotchi v5, but now I'm terribly confused. I'm wondering what are the difference between a v5 and a v5.5 Becuase I'm not sure which one I have. The main reason this was bought to my attention, was becuase I have recieved a a Kikitchi tama in my blended...