Recent content by Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0


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  1. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Old Tamagotchi

    On the Tamagotchi Connection 2024, if I let my Tamagotchi grow old and die without getting married or having a child, does it restart the generation count? :huh:
  2. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    tamagotchi connection rerelease

    that's so cute! u have the same shell design on my connection, too! :lol:
  3. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Living poo???

    let me know when it happens!
  4. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Living poo???

    oh, lol, that's actually so funny :ichigotchi:
  5. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Living poo???

    On my new Tamagotchi Connection, I once donated 1,000 Gotchi points to the Gotchi King, and then he came and pooped a giant poop with limbs and even facial features. Now, every once in a while, my Tamagotchi beeps and same poop appears and dances for only a couple of seconds. I'm so confused...
  6. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Please help!

    THANK YOUUU!!! I realized the parent left this morning but I cannot mute it and I cannot change the time which made me even more nervous... but now that I know It won't start until I name it, I feel much better. So thanks! :lol:
  7. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Please help!

    My Tamagotchi (on Tamagotchi Connection) had a baby yesterday, and the adult is supposed to be there and take care of the baby for 24 hours, but it's been over 24 hours! I just hope it doesn't leave tomorrow morning, because I have work and I can't take care of a baby Tamagotchi by myself while...
  8. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Backlight Mod

    wow, that sounds cool! I hope it goes well! :blink:
  9. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    I got a Tamagotchi Connection!!!

    Thanks! My sister actually ordered one too, and we connected them, and it's so fun!
  10. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Backlight Mod

    this sounds cool! I always have to use my Tamagotchis in the light because it's so hard to see it in the dark.. but yeah, this sounds like a good idea! so, how does this work? do you have to put little lights inside or something?
  11. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    I got a Tamagotchi Connection!!!

    Hey! I got the Tamagotchi Connection 2024 re-release, and it's great! The only Tamagotchis I got before this were the original and the angel. This Tamagotchi is SO worth it!!!! I love it so much, and I can't get over how cute it is!
  12. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    i got the tamagotchi connection rerelease :3

    I ordered one for the first time, but it's probably coming right before next week, and I'm going to be pretty stressed and busy next week due to a busy thing, so are you able to pause them?
  13. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    Thoughts on next re-releases?

    I think they should start selling new Deviltchis, but they would have a shell re-design so you could tell the difference between the new ones and the older, rarer ones.
  14. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    am i the only one who is obsessed with billie eilish??????

    Sorry for misunderstanding, I guess I just read it differently than you were saying. I thought at first you were making assumptions, and I didn't realize that you were doing that just in case. But like clearperspex30cmrule said, "yh this is literally in the off-topic forum category". so yeah...
  15. Jaxogotchi πŸ™€ o__0

    i accidentally killed my tamagotchi! please read!

    it was so sad 😭 I spawned a new one and named her Debbie, hopefully I don't kill her πŸ₯²