Recent content by Ichigotchi_Piggy


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  1. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    Do you have a friend/s

    ^Same here. Though, I am really spoiled. U_U I have a tablet, an mp3 player, a camera and all these nice things. I try to use them and appreciate them but not all of them do I use very often. I try to persuade my parents to sell some of the things I don't use anymore, or I ask them if we...
  2. Ichigotchi_Piggy


    Ignorance is bliss, my friend. Hold that thought. She doesn't deserve your friendship. I agree with DemonSlayer5050, revenge isn't the answer. Ignore Makayla. When people ask you about the secret, ignore them.
  3. Ichigotchi_Piggy


    YAYS! WE LOVE EACH OTHER~! I love this topic. =D
  4. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    Beehive alert! O_O

    D= Oh my golly! How would they get in there? I would have died of a heart attack. x_x Oh my.
  5. Ichigotchi_Piggy


    Yes, tamagotchi_pal, I love you very much. -Huggles-
  6. Ichigotchi_Piggy


    I also love people in the Panic! At the Disco and FOB topic group. =D And yes, this isn't Internet dating. xDD
  7. Ichigotchi_Piggy


    Everybody on my profile list. I wish I could meet all of you. What I love about TT is that I can say things and act like how I couldn't in real life. And people are really nice.
  8. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    A SERIOUS problem!

    Ah, the power of the Internet. Say you're sorry. He has to understand that people say things that aren't true when they're angry. Things will eventually get better. Good luck.
  9. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    So today.

    Ehh, strange bus rides, strange bus rides...ehhrmm... Well, there are only about ten people on my bus and they're always really loud in the back. They're always crawling on top of each other, screaming things like, "Hey, good lookin'!" or things like that to creep passing people by out the...
  10. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    2 girls in my class

    Go PeaceSign. I think that it's mean to hold sexual differences against them. Just because no one you know likes bis doesn't mean that you can hold it against them. You could be the one getting in trouble for calling her bi in a little quarrel. If you get into the fight, try not to say...
  11. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    Google Yourself!

    Old, ugly, disgraceful, dusty, shameful, slight-chatspeak, immature posts from searching my username. Euuch. I'm making a new TT account where I won't be so embarrassed when I search it up. Maybe. Then again, that's a weird reason to make a side account. Though, when I searched up my whole...
  12. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    When You Lose Your Pets..

    Oh, that's so sad. I hate losing pets. U_U My sister had a neon sunset platy (spelling?) and then we discovered that plastic when changing the water is bad for them so we changed to vase, or something, and then it started to get really healthy and one day when we came home from...
  13. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    Painting walls opinion

    Herhm. Maybe I would make every wall something else. One wall toadstools growing at the roots of a tree (hahahah, stolen from Self:.:Pity), a poem in giant letters on another, music notes, treble clefs, bass clefs, instruments, maybe I'll write a piece and put it there, etc. on another wall...
  14. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    Celebs that share

    March 22nd: Stephen Sondheim (my favourite out of all of them xP) William Shatner (speaking of him, have you seen his creepy butchered version of the Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"?) Andrew Lloyd Webber Happiness.
  15. Ichigotchi_Piggy

    If You Could Meet People on TT...

    Oh, I love you too. I love your username as well. -Hugtackle- =]