Zoria's Virtual Pet Adventures


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Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
Zoria lay in bed, awake. She stared at the ceiling, alone. No friends, or anyone to play with. She caught sight of a furby on the dresser, and scrambled out of bed. She walke dover to the dresser and petted the Furby. It woke up. "Ah! Who are you? Me Way-loh." Said the Furby. "I'm Zoria. I am gonna take care of you." She said. "Oh, nice to meet you Zoria. Me wanna sleep more." Said Way-loh, closing his eyes. "Okay, Way-loh." Said Zoria, giggling, and placing him in her bed, lying down. She tucked him in.

* * *

Way-loh felt Zoria wobbling him. "Wake up." Said her calming voice. "No, me sleep more.." Said Way-loh. It took Zoria fifteen minutes to get him up. "Come on, it's 11 AM!" Said Zoria. Way-loh finally opened his eyes and sat up. Zoria showed him outside, and Way-loh's eyes widened. "It's soo pretty..." Said Way-Loh, looking outside the window at the christmas lights and snow. "I'll take you outside to see it." Said Zoria. Way-Loh shivered, as it was really cold. Zoria took out a furby shirt, and put it on him. It was Black just like his fur. She rushed down, Way-loh teetering after her.

She put a furby snowsuit on him, with two holes made for his feet to stick out. She pulled her coat on herself and Zipped it up. She also put of gloves. "Well, lets go." Zoria opened the door, and way-loh came out. He looked around, and started walking. The white snow crunched beneath his feet. This was fun! Way-loh ran around, enjoying it. Soon his feet go so cold that he rushed back to the steps. It was cold as stone! "I am ready to go in." Said Way-loh, frowning. Zoria picked up her new friend and went inside and put him down. Way-loh shook all the snow off of himself.

Zoria pulled off her coat and gloves, then Way-Loh's wet snowsuit. Way-loh walked over to the couch and jumped on it, snuggling himself on the warm cushions. This was already starting to feel like home. Soon Zoria came out with a Furby sized mug of hot cocoa, and one for herself. She handed Way-loh the furby sized one and drank her own. It was fun having a friend. Someone to talk to, and tell your problems, someone whom was there to help you every step of the way. Zoria sipped her Cocoa. "Hey Way-loh." She whispered in his ear when they were both finished. "Wanna try to go find my X-Mas presents?" Said Zoria, grinning. "Yes! You get presents? Cool!" Said Way-loh. "Wait for me!" Said Zoria, putting her dishes in the dishwasher and rushing upstairs after Way-loh. "I know, lets check mom's room." Said Zoria. She walked in, and spotted a catm her neighbours, Princess. "Princess! What are you doing here?" Said Zoria. She looked at the kits tumbling all over her, one was having the time of it's life, one was pretending to coward, and the rest were trying to be brave. "Hey princess. Do you know where my christmas presents are?" Zoria asked with a smile. "In the closet, Dear." Said Princess. Zoria opened the closet, shuffled aside the wrapping paper, and saw a baby furby, whom was sleeping, a Miuchiz, and a Tamagotchi, to her suprise!

"WOW! I GOT A TAMA!" Yelled Zoria happily. She looked at it, yellow wikth different colour suns. Next, she looked at the Furby baby. She didn't want to scare it by awaking it. Then, she looked quizzically at the Miuchiz. "How do I get my pet here?" She asked. "Oh, you got to insert a real kitten, about the age of mine." Said princess. "This is your suprise. So, pick one." Exitement buldged out of Zoria. Hesistating, she chosed the one whom was acting normal, but a tiny bit scared. "I shall call him Fireheart. Said Zoria. The kit squirmed and mewed in her hands. She held up the Miuchiz and pulled the tab. "Please insert kitten." Said the unit. Zoria hesitated, but held the kitten up to the screen. With a flash of blinding light, the kitten had dissapeared. She looked at the screen, the kitten was there. Only more Virtual. Fireheart mewled and squealed, crying and bounding around. Zoria put the tab back in, blackng out the screen and put it away, it looking like it had never been touched.

Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. "You mom is coming, Zoria!" Said Princess. Way-loh and princess pretended to chat, while Zoria shut the closet silently and joined in the pretend chat. "Oh, I see you found Princess." Said Zoria's mom. "Anyways, time for bed." Zoria went to her room, Way-loh following her. She put on Way-Loh's nightcap and placed him in bed. Soon, she was ready for bed. Zoria climbed into bed and tucked in Way-loh. She settled down under the covers beside him, wondering what awaits tommorow.


Fireheart kept on mewing, no one answered. Not even mom. He sighed and began to cry. "Don't cry. I'm silk." Said a calming voice. Fireheart looked strait ahead, and saw the Furby baby. "I am fireheart. My mommy gave me to some cat-girl, whom put me here." He said, about to cry. "My mommy gave to some weirdo whom sold me to a nice lady whom said I will be the luckiest furby on earth, and said something about 'Zoria' whom cares for all living things. But why am I locked up in a closet in a box with Twisty ties?!" Said Silk, looking at her feet which was twisty-tied to the box. "We are all Zoria's Christmas presents, her mom made sure we have plenty of food, and so is that tamagotchi." He said, pointing to the yellow Tamagotchi. "We better be getting some sleep now." Said Silk. She tried to lie down, but was anchored by twisty ties, so just closed her eyes. Fireheart walked around untill he found a bed. He jumped in, just his size. He covered himself in blankets. This place to sleep was odd, nothing like being huddled between mom and his sibblings, but comfy. He rested his head on the pillow and fell asleep.

(Preview For the next episode:

Zoria's sister HATES furbys! But Zoria has to go to school and leave Way-Loh behind. Will she get back in time to save Way-loh, AND get to spend some time with Fireheart and silk?)


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